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发布时间:2018-05-30 10:02

  本文选题:学术写作 + 主语it外置 ; 参考:《中国矿业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increasing importance of English in the field of academic communication, how to cultivate academic language has become an urgent problem for foreign language students and authors. As a typical feature of academic English, subject it externalization has been studied from many angles. However, there are few contrastive studies of this syntactic structure in native and non-native academic writing. Unfortunately, there is no systematic study on this phenomenon in China. Therefore, from the perspective of syntax and semantics, this study attempts to compare the academic articles or papers of native speakers, especially English students, with those of Chinese students by combining the more mature methods and theories in previous studies. The qualified sentences extracted from two corpora were divided into four types of clauses and four types of main sentence structure. It is found that both native speakers and Chinese students prefer the two types of outer-adverbial sentence types and SVC- SV structures, especially adjectives and tos, as well as the fixed collocations of passive verbs and that. However, in terms of frequency of use and semantic preference, there are still significant differences between the two corpora, which reflects the differences between the two academic writing groups in terms of the meaning they wish to convey with the help of this sentence pattern. In order to apply the results to practice and to help improve the situation of academic writing in China, the study concludes the fixed collocation list of native language authors, which provides some valuable suggestions and references for the teaching of academic English writing in China.


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