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发布时间:2018-05-30 05:21

  本文选题:反思报告 + 英汉交传 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:三千年前的古埃及,旅游向导开始承担起口译任务,与此同时,在亚欧大陆另一端的中国,舌人开始为周代的国王们提供语言服务。作为人类交流的桥梁,口译纵跃古今,横贯东西。一九五八年,日内瓦大学的罗杰·格莱美(Roger Glemet)撰文指出:在二十年前,没人能够想象得到会议口译能够成为严肃论文的一个主题。格莱美的这篇论文成为英语世界最早公开发表的口译研究论文。一九五七年,会议口译开始成为硕士学位论文的主题。一九八六年,约翰·多兹(John Dodds)在的雅李斯特口译大会上发表了口译研究的第一次学科宣言,指出口译不仅是一种技巧,一项职业,更是一门学科。作为一门学科,它应该有自己的理论和方法。在的雅李斯特口译大会之后,跨学科合作兴起,多样性萌发。口译研究领域的学者们开始采用多样的研究对象、角度和手段来验证他们对口译的理解。本报告以作者出席长春客车股份有限公司与澳大利亚唐纳铁路墨尔本地铁建设联合招标会并为铸件供应商Keech以及消防器材供应商FPT提供交替传译服务的实践为例,对口译过程进行了概述,结合案例对口译过程中译员出现的问题诸如漏译与误译,笔记效率低下,不当停顿等进行了分析,并结合吉尔(Daniel Gile)的“认知负荷模型”试探性地提供了带口音及加速听力训练,平行文本阅读,优化精力分配,演讲逻辑性训练以及与客户提前沟通等应对方法。作者希望通过本报告详实的分析,能够为招标会题材的口译训练提供一定的思路,从而为其他译员提供帮助,使他们能够更出色地完成口译任务,为提高中国轨道设备制造业的国际声誉做出贡献。
[Abstract]:Three thousand years ago in ancient Egypt, tour guides began to take on interpretation, while in China on the other side of Eurasia, tongues began to serve the kings of the Zhou Dynasty. As a bridge of human communication, interpretation leaps across the East and West. In 1958, Roger Grammy Roger Glemetetet of the University of Geneva wrote that, twenty years ago, no one could have imagined that conference interpretation could be the subject of a serious paper. Grammy's thesis became the first published interpretation research paper in the English language world. In 1957, conference interpretation began to be the subject of a master's degree thesis. In 1986, John Doddspresented the first Disciplinary Manifesto of interpreting Studies at the Yalister interpretation Conference, pointing out that interpreting is not only a skill, a profession, but also a discipline. As a subject, it should have its own theory and method. After the Yalister interpretation Conference, interdisciplinary cooperation sprang up and diversity sprouted. Scholars in the field of interpreting begin to use a variety of research objects, angles and means to verify their understanding of interpretation. In this report, the author attended a joint bidding meeting between Changchun bus Co., Ltd and Australia's Downer Railway Melbourne Subway Construction and provided consecutive interpretation services for casting supplier Keech and fire fighting equipment supplier FPT. This paper gives an overview of the process of interpretation, and analyzes the problems of interpreters in interpreting, such as omission and mistranslation, inefficiency of notes and improper pauses, etc. In combination with Daniel Gile's Cognitive load Model, it tentatively provides some coping methods, such as accented and accelerated listening training, parallel text reading, optimizing energy allocation, speech logic training and early communication with clients. The author hopes that through the detailed analysis of this report, the author can provide some ideas for the interpretation training on the subject of the bidding meeting, so as to provide assistance to other interpreters so that they can accomplish their interpretation tasks more effectively. To improve the international reputation of China's rail equipment manufacturing industry.


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