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发布时间:2018-05-31 06:04

  本文选题:中国特色词汇 + 功能目的论 ; 参考:《海外英语》2016年12期

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, cultural exchanges between China and the West have become increasingly close. Vocabulary with Chinese characteristics is used more and more frequently in international communication. Words with Chinese characteristics reflect things with Chinese characteristics, and there is no precedent for their translation. Therefore, the accurate translation of words with Chinese characteristics has become a problem which must be solved by translators who serve the communication between China and the West. Translators should adopt appropriate methods to accurately convey the meaning of Chinese characteristic words on the basis of their full understanding of Chinese characteristics. From the perspective of functional Skopos, this paper analyzes the various translation methods of Chinese words with Chinese characteristics, including transliteration, literal translation, set translation, interpretation and free translation. Based on the translation of the government report and the political vocabulary of the government, this paper analyzes the translation strategies of the words in the government report, including the incremental translation method, the literal translation method and the interpretation translation method, and then analyzes the translation strategies that should be adopted in the translation of the government report, including the incremental translation method, the literal translation method and the interpretation translation method.
【作者单位】: 南京农业大学外语学院;


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