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发布时间:2018-06-01 03:18

  本文选题:反恐 + 介入系统 ; 参考:《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》2016年03期

【摘要】:自9·11事件发生以来,反恐成为世界关注的焦点。反恐语篇中蕴含着大量的否认资源,能有效地收缩语篇对话空间,维护声源立场的权威性。借助语料库工具UAM Corpus Tool 3和AntConc 3.4.1,从评价理论的介入视角对美国反恐局发布的反恐语篇进行分析研究可以发现,反恐语篇中否认资源主要通过具有比较和反对意义的词汇手段实现,包括否定资源和反预期资源,呈现显隐特征和强弱特征。否认资源的使用塑造了积极的美国形象,阐释了反恐行动的合理性,促进了国际反恐合作的开展。本研究丰富了介入系统的分析框架,有助于加深人们对反恐语篇和否认资源的理解。
[Abstract]:Since 9 / 11, anti-terrorism has become the focus of the world's attention. Counterterrorism discourse contains a large number of denial resources, which can effectively shrink the discourse dialogue space and maintain the authority of the source position. With the help of corpus-based tools UAM Corpus Tool 3 and AntConc 3.4.1, it is found that, from the perspective of evaluation theory, an analysis of anti-terrorist discourse published by the United States Counter-Terrorism Bureau can be found. In counterterrorism discourses, denial resources are mainly realized by lexical means with comparative and negative meanings, including negative resources and anti-expected resources, showing implicit features and strong or weak features. Denial of the use of resources has created a positive image of the United States, explained the rationality of counter-terrorism action, and promoted the development of international anti-terrorism cooperation. This study enriches the analytical framework of the intervention system and helps to deepen the understanding of counter-terrorism discourse and denial resources.
【作者单位】: 东北师范大学外国语学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金一般项目(12BYY008) 吉林省社科基金项目(外语专项Ⅱ)(2014WY34)


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