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发布时间:2018-06-02 02:33

  本文选题:医学英语 + 教学法 ; 参考:《中国中医药现代远程教育》2016年24期

[Abstract]:It is an important measure to improve the comprehensive quality of medical students to carry out humanistic education in medical English teaching, strengthen the cultivation of humanistic spiritual world and humanistic care for medical students, and help them to understand the humanistic connotation of medicine deeply. This paper emphasizes the necessity of carrying out the humanistic spirit in medical English teaching, and explores how to permeate the teaching idea of "language as the basis, transfer humanistic value" in medical English teaching, and carry on the teaching practice of humanistic education to the students. This study explores the teaching ideas and teaching methods of medical and humanities interdiscipline, and provides a reference for medical English teachers and teachers of other multi-disciplinary courses to reflect on teaching practice, which has a certain significance in teaching practice.
【作者单位】: 北京中医药大学人文学院;北京中医药大学基础医学院;
【基金】:北京市重点学科及北京中医药大学青年骨干教师专项(No:2015-JYB—QNJSZX007) 北京中医药大学自主选题培育项目(No:2016-JYB-JSPY-010)


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