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发布时间:2018-06-02 05:32

  本文选题:文化专有项 + 处理策略 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在翻译不同国家的作品时,一定会遇到源语中的文化元素如何处理的问题,也就是"文化专有项(culture-specific items)"的处理问题。西班牙译者哈维尔·佛朗哥·艾克西拉(Javier Franco Aixela)通过分析小说《马耳他猎鹰》(The Maltese Falcon)的三个西班牙语译本,观察并总结了十一种文化专有项处理策略,另外还给出了影响翻译策略选择的四大因素:超文本因素、文本因素、文化专有项性质及文本内因素。在《七次谋杀简史》(A History of Seven Killings)一书部分章节的翻译过程中,笔者运用到了艾克西拉总结的一些策略,对该文本中文化专有项的处理进行分析。同时,笔者也观察到在英译汉的情况下,针对本实践的研究文本,艾克西拉的理论可做部分修改,比如将转换拼写法改为音译;并且在实际的翻译过程中通常会将两到三种策略相结合。
[Abstract]:In translating works from different countries, we must encounter the problem of how to deal with the cultural elements in the source language, that is, "culture-specific items". The Spanish translator Javier Franco Aixela, Javier Franco Aixela, observed and summarized 11 culturally specific strategies by analyzing three Spanish translations of the Maltese Falcona. In addition, four factors affecting the choice of translation strategies are also given: hypertext, culture-specific and intra-text factors. In the course of translating some chapters of A History of Seven Killings), the author applies some strategies summarized by Axilla to analyze the treatment of culture-specific items in this text. At the same time, the author also observed that in the case of English-Chinese translation, the text of this study can be partly modified, such as the transliteration of transliteration. And in the actual translation process will usually combine two to three strategies.


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