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发布时间:2018-06-02 07:29

  本文选题:高职高专新生 + 外语学习焦虑 ; 参考:《闽南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:自二十世纪五、六十年代以马斯洛和罗杰斯为代表的人本主义心理学发展以来,外语教育研究者和外语教师就一直关注情感因素在外语学习中的作用。在所有的情感因素中,外语学习焦虑可能是外语学习中最大的情感障碍之一。外语学习焦虑不仅影响了学生的课堂外语学习效率,影响了学生考场上的发挥,甚至严重打击了学生们的外语学习信心,使学生畏惧外语学习如畏虎。为此,国内外众多学者越来越关注对外语学习焦虑这一情感因素的研究。国外的研究者对外语学习焦虑的研究较早,大约始于二十世纪七十年代,其中的代表人物为Horwitz、Scovel、Gardner、MacIntyre、Kleinmann、Young等。无论是理论研究还是实证性研究,国外对于外语学习焦虑的研究都可谓成果显著。比较之下,国内对外语学习焦虑研究起步较晚,大约开始于二十世纪末,近十几年来的研究主要是针对高校本科学生的外语课堂焦虑进行实证研究,但是对于高职高专学生的外语学习焦虑研究较少。近十几年来,高职高专院校在中国所有地区得到迅速发展。国家对高职高专院校的定位是培养适应行业、企事业单位发展需要的应用型高等技术专门人才。高职高专学生们的肩膀上承担着经济建设的重任,大部分行业和企业都要求就业者具有一定的外语能力,部分行业企业甚至要求就业者有较强的英语听说读写译能力。但实际情况却是大多数高职学生英语水平偏低、基础偏弱,外语学习能力不强。这种理想与现实需求的反差导致许多高职高专学生承担着巨大的外语学习压力,他们为此感到焦虑不安。这种外语学习焦虑又反过来影响了他们的外语学习,导致他们的学习积极性越来越差,学习自信心越来越低,学习效果越来越不明显。但是长期以来,社会对高职高专学生的关注却远不如对本科生的关注,导致专家学者和教育工作者对高职高专学生的外语学习焦虑问题研究有所缺位。因此,笔者觉得很有必要对高职高专学生的英语学习焦虑问题加以研究,为解决高职高专学生的英语学习困境提供理论支持,为从事高职外语教学的一线教师提供一些教学建议。基于此,笔者在阅读了国内外有关外语学习焦虑研究的大量文章、相关成果以及理论研究的基础上,采用定量研究和定性研究相结合的方式,对我院323名高职学生的外语学习焦虑现象进行了实证性研究。定量研究采用具有较高信度和效度的外语课堂焦虑量表The Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale(FLCAS)Horwitz等(1986)对学生的外语学习焦虑程度进行调查,对所取得的数据使用SPSS18.0统计软件进行分析,同时,采取随机抽样的方式选取60名不同性别、不同生源地、不同专业、不同高考成绩的学生,进行个人访谈与开放性提问,用所得访谈数据来补充及验证定量研究的结果。研究发现:外语学习焦虑在高职高专学生中普遍存在;女生的焦虑程度高于男生,城镇学生的焦虑程度高于农村和城市的学生,非英语专业学生的焦虑程度高于英语专业学生,高考英语成绩低的学生焦虑程度高于高考英语成绩高的学生;且英语成绩与学生外语学习焦虑程度呈明显的负相关关系。通过个人访谈还发现,在听说读写译五项技能的训练中,口译技能(即说的技能)最容易引起外语学习焦虑,引起学生外语学习焦虑的主要原因有六种,其中尤其以“教师与学习者之间的交流”“课堂活动形式”“语言测试”三者为最。本次研究反映出“外语学习焦虑”这一情感因素广泛存在于高职高专学生群体中,并且正在影响着高职高专学生的外语学习。而引起外语学习焦虑的原因虽多种多样,但有许多原因最终指向教师这一关键因素:教师如何培养学生学习兴趣、如何改善教学方式、如何提高与学生的沟通能力、如何对学生进行有效激励、如何增进教师的业务素质和个人魅力、如何因材施教等,因此笔者在论文的最后一章就以上问题专门提出建设性意见,意在通过老师努力营造低焦虑、高实效、轻松、和谐的学习环境来帮助学生有效克服外语学习焦虑,从而有效地改善学生的学习效果,提升学生的英语综合能力。
[Abstract]:Since the five twentieth Century and the development of humanistic psychology represented by Maslow and Rodgers in twentieth Century, foreign language education researchers and foreign language teachers have been concerned about the role of emotional factors in foreign language learning. In all emotional factors, foreign language learning anxiety may be one of the biggest affective barriers in foreign language learning. Learning anxiety not only affects the students' efficiency in foreign language learning, but also affects the students' performance in the examination room, even seriously combating the students' confidence in foreign language learning, so that students are afraid of foreign language learning as a fearing tiger. Therefore, many scholars at home and abroad pay more and more attention to the study of the emotional factors of foreign language learning anxiety. The study of language learning anxiety was early in the 1970s. The representative figures were Horwitz, Scovel, Gardner, MacIntyre, Kleinmann, Young, etc. In the late twentieth Century, it began in the late twentieth Century. In the last decade, the research mainly focused on the foreign language classroom anxiety of college students. However, the study on foreign language learning anxiety of higher vocational college students was less. In the past ten years, the higher vocational colleges have developed rapidly in all areas of China. The positioning of colleges and universities is an applied advanced technical specialist to meet the needs of the industry and the development of enterprises and institutions. Higher vocational and technical college students shoulder the responsibility of economic construction. Most industries and enterprises require that the workers have a certain foreign language ability. Some industry enterprises even require that the workers have strong English listening and speaking. But the actual situation is that most higher vocational students have a low English level, a weak base, a weak foreign language learning ability. The contrast between the ideal and the realistic demand causes many higher vocational and technical students to bear a great pressure on foreign language learning, and they feel anxious about it. This foreign language learning anxiety has in turn affected him. The learning enthusiasm of the students is getting worse and worse, the confidence of their learning is getting lower and the effect of learning is becoming less and less obvious. However, for a long time, the attention of the society to the students of higher vocational colleges is far less than that of the undergraduates, which leads to the study of the foreign language learning anxiety of the higher vocational and technical students. Therefore, I think it is necessary to study the English learning anxiety of higher vocational college students, to provide theoretical support for solving the difficulties of English learning in higher vocational colleges, and to provide some teaching suggestions for the teachers engaged in foreign language teaching in higher vocational colleges. On the basis of a large number of articles, related achievements and theoretical studies of anxiety research, the foreign language learning anxiety of 323 higher vocational students in our hospital was empirically studied by the combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative study of foreign language classroom anxiety scale The Foreign Language Clas with high reliability and validity was used. Sroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) Horwitz and so on (1986) investigated the students' anxiety of foreign language learning and analyzed the data used by SPSS18.0 statistics. At the same time, a random sampling was adopted to select 60 students of different sexes, different birthplaces, different majors, and students with different college entrance examinations. It is found that the anxiety of foreign language learning is common among the higher vocational students; the anxiety of the girls is higher than that of the boys, the anxiety of the urban students is higher than that of the rural and urban students, the degree of anxiety of the non English majors is higher than that of the English majors, and the college entrance examination English is higher than that of the English majors. The students with low scores were more anxious than the students with high English proficiency in the college entrance examination; and the English performance was negatively correlated with the students' foreign language learning anxiety. Through personal interview, it was found that in the training of the five skills of listening, speaking, reading, reading, writing and translating, the skills of interpretation (that is, speaking skills) are the most likely to cause foreign language learning anxiety and cause the students' foreign language learning. There are six main reasons for the anxiety. Among them, "communication between teachers and learners", "classroom activity form" and "language test" are the three most important factors. This study reflects that the emotional factors of "foreign language learning anxiety" are widely existed in higher vocational college students, and are affecting the foreign language of Higher Vocational and technical college students. There are many reasons for foreign language learning anxiety, but there are many reasons for the key factors of teachers: how teachers cultivate students' interest in learning, how to improve teaching methods, how to improve their communication ability with students, how to motivate students effectively, and how to improve the professional quality and personal charm of Teachers, such as In order to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, the author puts forward constructive suggestions on the above questions in the last chapter of the paper. It is intended to help students to effectively overcome the anxiety of foreign language learning through the efforts of the teachers to create a low anxiety, high effect, easy and harmonious learning environment, so as to effectively improve the students' learning effect and improve their English comprehensive ability.


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