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发布时间:2018-06-02 08:30

  本文选题:高中英语 + 词汇教学 ; 参考:《陕西理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:A challenge for high school English teachers in teaching and learning is to require students to master vocabulary in the new curriculum. On the one hand, the English text is very difficult and has many new words. The number of polysemous words that need to be grasped by the context is increased, and the background knowledge which is closely related to the history, culture, environment, science and technology and life of the United States and the United States has increased a lot. In addition, the new curriculum also focuses on the use of vocabulary, not just simple interpretation and simple concepts. To enable students to be flexible and appropriate in the use of vocabulary, that is, to let students understand the deep meaning expressed between the lines of words. The solution of this problem depends on the application of teaching strategies. On the basis of theoretical analysis and investigation and research, this paper applies relevant strategies to teaching practice. The validity of lexical strategies and teaching effects is also studied in the statistical analysis. In this study, a part of high school students in Hanzhong City as the research object, in a semester of practice investigation, also carried out a one-month teaching experiment. The present situation of English teaching and learning in senior high school was investigated through a questionnaire survey among 20 English teachers in three grades of the school and more than 360 students. By applying situational method, etymology and etymology to 56 students in Class 23 of Senior High School, classroom teaching and special training were carried out. The teaching effect is evaluated by pre-test and post-test, and the validity of teaching strategy is verified by statistical method. The conclusions of this study are as follows: in teaching practice, students accept vocabulary teaching strategies well. The strategies tried in this paper accord with students' cognitive rules and can help students to learn English well. The application of relevant strategies improves the mastery of vocabulary, makes them no longer confused, increases students' self-confidence, and adjusts the strategies in time according to the students' actual situation in vocabulary teaching. After the experiment, the average score of the test is 5.5 points higher than that of the control class, reaching 72 points. The statistical data show that there is a significant correlation between the teaching strategy and the results. This paper also discusses and analyzes how to use vocabulary strategies in teaching and how to overcome the problems in the present situation of English teaching, and designs a case study of strategy teaching and puts forward some suggestions for the implementation of vocabulary teaching in class.


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