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发布时间:2018-06-02 19:57

  本文选题:英语一般过去时 + 原型理论 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:English is an important grammatical category, and is also one of the main research objects of linguists and grammars. We all know that time is used to express the grammatical category of time difference, that can be used to distinguish time. As a category of tense, English tense, especially the general past tense, not only represents the action or state that happened in the past, but also can be used to express the subjunctive mood and politeness. Chomsky, the representative of structuralism, and Halliday, the representative of the functional school, explain the past tense of English in terms of usage or structure, while the study of the characteristics of the general past in English opens up another direction. This is also the starting point of this thesis. Prototype theory is one of the most important theories in cognitive linguistics. According to prototype theory, categories are constructed around a prototype. Judging whether an object belongs to a category depends on whether there is enough family similarity between it and its prototype. The event usage, state usage, idiom usage, subjunctive mood usage and politeness usage of the past tense all have family similarity, and the time of the action they refer to has a certain distance with the reference point. This paper attempts to use Hawthorne's novel the Scarlet letter as the corpus and prototype theory as the theoretical framework from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. This paper includes five chapters. The first chapter is about the research background, significance and the whole frame of the thesis. The second chapter consists of three parts: tenses, researches on English past tense at home and abroad and a brief introduction of different researches on the Scarlet letter. The third chapter introduces the theoretical basis and research methods, points out the research problems, data collection and data analysis. The fourth chapter points out the following research question: 1) what are the types and ratios of the use of the English general past tense in the novel? (2) from the perspective of prototype theory, what are the characteristics of the general past tense usage in the novel? (3) from the archetypal theory, we can see the characteristics of the general past tense usage in the novel from the perspective of archetypal theory. From the Perspective of English, what is the effect of English past usage on the portrayal of novel characters? Finally, the fifth chapter is about the research findings, research limitations and suggestions for future research. There are five usages in the past, namely event usage, state usage, habitual usage, subjunctive mood and politeness. English past tense can be divided into archetypal and non-archetypal usage. As to the influence of the English past tense on the characterization of characters, archetypal usage depicts the experience, social status and educational background of the characters, but not the archetypal usage of the inner world of the characters.


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