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发布时间:2018-06-03 18:24

  本文选题:《星际经纪人》 + 科幻小说 ; 参考:《牡丹江师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This translation practice is based on John Skalzi's science fiction, Star broker, Chapter 11. The selected chapter is about what happened before aliens "lived" inside the dog. The novel as a whole reveals a hot topic for readers: whether alien civilization can live in harmony with Earth civilization. Therefore, the content of this novel is very attractive. Moreover, the use of humorous language is a typical feature of the author. At the same time, the author also used a lot of writing techniques to make the novel very readable. Therefore, this translation material has high translation value. This translation report is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction of the project, including the source, significance and structure of the project. The second part is the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation issues. The third part is the introduction of the original text, including the introduction of the author, the analysis of the original text and the difficulties in translation. How to achieve the maximum equivalence between the original and the target text is the difficulty in the translation process. The fourth part is a case study. Under the guidance of equivalence translation theory, equivalent translation is carried out from five levels: word, phrase, sentence, paragraph and text, which involves translation techniques such as changing tense, adjusting word order, adding and deleting. The fifth part summarizes the limitations of the project and the harvest in translation practice. Through this translation report, the author hopes to combine the translation theory of equivalence with the translation practice of science fiction, so as to provide a new research perspective for the translation of fiction, especially the translation of science fiction.


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