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发布时间:2018-06-03 20:54

  本文选题:信息类文本 + 功能对等理论 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rise of China in the world, China's international status and influence have been greatly improved. In this context, international relations and international cooperation have become a hot spot, so it is necessary to translate such informative texts. This paper is a translation report. The translation project is selected from the American Center for International Strategic Studies published in July 2008, China-US contest in Africa. This paper investigates China's participation in Africa, especially Kenya, Angola, Nigeria and Uganda, and explores China-US cooperation in the fields of energy, public health, trade and trade through examples. The original text is divided into four parts, and the translator selects the first two parts as translation items. The article provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of China-Africa relations in the political, economic, trade and diplomatic fields, gives people a better understanding of the international context and significance of China's investment in Kenya and Angola, and thus can guide public opinion. Enlighten one's thinking. At the same time, under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, the translator analyzes the use of translation strategies in lexical and syntactic aspects in order to better convey the original information and maximize the translation value. This translation practice is carried out through the report. The report analyzes the types and characteristics of the text, and describes the task planning and arrangement. This paper focuses on the concrete process of translation practice, discusses translation problems and their solutions. In the actual case analysis, the author summarizes the translation methods of this kind of information texts in English-Chinese translation. This paper analyzes the translation methods of attributive clauses and passive sentences by means of literal and free translation, part of speech conversion and incremental translation. This report shows the importance of pre-translation preparation, which lays the foundation for the implementation of translation projects. In addition, the revision of texts is an essential link in translation, which provides an effective guarantee for the quality of translation. Thirdly, the translator's own knowledge reserve and his own accomplishment also have a great influence on the translation work. The translation practice shows that a competent interpreter not only needs to master a solid professional foundation and basic translation skills, but also needs to have a knowledge reserve of relevant political meetings and international relations. In addition, patience, care and responsibility also have a significant impact on translation quality.


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