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发布时间:2018-06-04 00:04

  本文选题:《论语》英译文语篇 + 基于语料库的分析 ; 参考:《当代修辞学》2017年02期

【摘要】:本文以《论语》的Arthur Waley译本和刘殿爵译本为研究对象,利用语料库的方法,分析译文语篇评价系统之介入资源作为一种语言和超语言资源是如何帮助译者再现《论语》语篇的修辞性以及实现文本的修辞劝说功能的,同时也尝试发现不同译者在评价系统之介入资源的使用上是否存在共性与差异性。研究发现,介入资源是帮助译者实现语篇修辞劝说功能的重要资源,这些资源的使用有助于观点的表达与同盟的结成,形成了强大的修辞权威,实现了孔子对其弟子的劝说与教诲目的。两译本在介入资源的使用上表现出较多的共性和一定的差异性。差异性主要表现在Waley译文的介入资源使用总量多于刘殿爵译文,两者在使用频率最高的介入资源上不同,刘殿爵译文使用频率最高的是自言之命题陈述资源,Waley译文使用频率最高的是借言之话语紧缩资源,其可能的原因,与译者不同的社会文化背景和译者风格有或多或少的关系;共性主要表现在除了使用频率最高的资源有所不同以外,其他资源的使用无显著差异。并且,介入资源在两种译文语篇中都发挥了重要的修辞说服功能,是一种有效的修辞手段。
[Abstract]:This paper, taking the Arthur Waley version of the Analects and the Liu Dianjue translation as the research object, analyzes how the intervention resources of the text evaluation system are used as a language and super language resources to help the translators to reproduce the rhetorical character of the discourse, and to realize the rhetorical persuasion of the text. The use of the resources is an important resource to help translators to realize the rhetorical persuasion function of the text. The use of these resources contributes to the expression of views and the formation of the alliance, forming a powerful rhetorical authority and realizing the persuasion of Confucius to his disciples. The two translation shows more common and certain differences in the use of intervention resources. The difference is mainly manifested in the total amount of intervention resources in the Waley translation is more than the Liu Dianjue translation. Both are different in the use of the most frequently used intervention resources, and the highest frequency of the use of Liu Dianjue translation is the statement statement capital of self speaking. Source, the most frequent use of Waley is to constrictive resources in the words of the language. The possible reasons are more or less related to the different socio cultural background and translator's style of the translator. The commonality is mainly manifested in the use of the most frequently used resources, and the use of other sources has no significant difference. And the intervention resources are two All the translated texts play an important rhetorical persuasion function and are effective rhetorical devices.
【作者单位】: 曲阜师范大学外国语学院;




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