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发布时间:2018-06-07 05:09

  本文选题:新闻语篇 + 小句关系 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In systemic functional grammar, when two or more clauses are combined by logical relations, we call them clause complex. Clause complex is located at the highest level in English grammar. It embodies the semantic relationship of extension or projection through the organization of conceptual functions in metafunctions. The relationship between clause and clause is mainly analyzed from two angles: logical dependency and logical semantic relationship. Logical dependency refers to whether the relationship between two clauses is subject-subordinate or juxtaposed. Logical semantic relation means that one clause expands another clause by means of interpretation, extension and reinforcement. It is one clause that projects another clause into speech or thought. Under the guidance of this theory, this paper makes a contrastive analysis of the relationship between English news and Chinese news clauses, and puts forward the following research question: 1) in English and Chinese news discourses, what are the differences and similarities in the distribution and frequency of different types of clause relations in English and Chinese news discourses? What are the similarities and differences between different types of clause relationships on the main markers? Based on Halliday's clause relation theory, this paper analyzes the similarities and differences of clause relations in English and Chinese news discourse clauses by means of quantitative, qualitative and contrastive studies. The specific results are as follows: from the point of view of logical dependency, whether in English news discourse or Chinese news discourse, the most common logical dependency model is the co-existence of subject subordinate relation and parallel relationship in the same clause. But the frequency of principal subordinate relation and parallel relation is different. From the point of view of logical semantic relations, the three kinds of extended relationships, such as elaboration, extension, reinforcement, and discourse, thought and fact, all appear in two kinds of news discourses, but they have different frequency distribution. In English news discourse, extending the relationship by strengthening is the most common way to expand the clause, while in Chinese news discourse, most of the clauses extend the relationship by extension. Both English and Chinese news discourses express clause relations in certain marked forms, but the proportion of different relationships varies. In terms of logical dependency, all the subject-slave relations in English and Chinese have different forms of markers. But not all parallel relationships are marked. In English, 60.67% of the parallel relationships were marked, while only 10.84% of the Chinese were marked. This paper further analyzes the reasons for the differences in the relationship between English and Chinese news discourses. From the perspective of sentence jurisprudence, English is a subject-predicate language with emphasis on the form of language, while Chinese is a "topic-explanation" type language with emphasis on the meaning of language. From the point of view of linguistic philosophy, the way of thinking of westerners is analytical, while the mode of thinking of oriental is integration. The difference between these two aspects leads to the difference of clause relation in every aspect. This paper has certain theory and practical application significance. This study proves the feasibility of analyzing Chinese with the framework of Halliday clause relation theory, and provides strong evidence for the "Chinese parataxis, English hypotaxis" from the point of view of the small sentence relationship. In practical application, this paper hopes to give enlightenment on how to better understand the news, and to help the relevant practitioners to write news and translate news better from the angle of the relationship between sentences and sentences.


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