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发布时间:2018-06-08 02:17

  本文选题:自我调节学习 + 中学生 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:20世纪80年代以来,自我调节学习已经成为西方教育心理学、学习心理学领域中的一个热点问题,也是社会认知理论中的一个主要亮点。大量研究和事实表明,学生对学习活动积极主动的调节与控制能够对学习效果产生重要影响。研究学生自我调节学习,既有利于丰富和完善已有的学习理论,对激发学生学习自觉主动性、提高学习效率、培养学习能力更具有实践指导意义。西方国家已经有大量有关自我调节学习的研究了,同时也有不少的研究者将自我调节理论与具体的学科结合起来,比如:数学学科,物理学科。此外,也有一些学者研究了自我调节理论在外语教学中运用,但是国内有关结合英语学科对中生进行自我调节能力培养的研究还很少见。通过对自我调节学习理论以及对国内的研究的现状与不足的论述,以Pintrich的自我调节学习理论为依据,结合Pintrich的“学习动机策略问卷”,本研究旨在调查中学生在英语学习方面的自我调节能力情况,研究者选取了江西萍乡一所中学的390名学生作为研究对象。本研究主要回答以下三个问题:1)中学生的英语自我调节学习能力总体情况如何?2)中学生的英语自我调节学习能力与他们的成绩存在怎样的联系?3)中学生的英语自我调节学习能力是否存在性别,年龄的差异?本研究的研究工具主要包括一份问卷和访谈。本研究首先是通过问卷调查的形式来了解中学生英语自我调节学习能力的总体情况,之后研究者会根据问卷调查情况选取5-10名学生进行半开放式的访谈,在收集数据之后,所有的数据均采用SPSS 16.0进行分析。调查结果显示,中学生的英语自我调节学习能力已经达到了一个中等水平。然而中学生英语自我调节学习能力在自我调节能力量表的几个维度上又存在差异,中学生在六个维度的自我调节能力从高到低排列如下:内在动机,自我效能感,元认知策略,认知策略,资源管理策略,外在动机。同时,本文还发现除了外在动机以外,中学生的英语成绩与其他五个维度都存在显著差异,这也揭示出中学生的英语自我调节学习能力与他们的英语成绩有显著的相关性。此外,作者也发现中学生英语自我调节学习能力会因年龄变化,以及性别的不同而有所不同,这也揭示出中学生的英语自我调节学习能力存在显著的年龄,性别差异:在中学阶段,女学生在英语学习上的自我调节学习能力要高于男学生;高中生的英语自我调节学习能力要高于初中生。本文最后,作者指出英语教师应该要关注男女学生在英语自我调节学习上的差异,并依据这种差异调整自己的教学方法,而学生则应该要进一步加强自己在英语学习上的自我效能感,同时他们也应该调整自己的学习策略,使之有助于自己的英语学习,这些都为提高中学生的英语自我调节能力提供了指南。
[Abstract]:Since 1980s, self-regulated learning has become a hot issue in the field of western educational psychology. It is also a major highlight in social cognitive theory. A large number of studies and facts show that the active regulation and control of students' learning activities can have an important impact on the learning effect. The study of students' self-regulated learning is beneficial to enrich and perfect the existing learning theory, and has practical guiding significance to stimulate students' conscious learning initiative, improve learning efficiency and cultivate learning ability. There has been a great deal of research on self-regulated learning in western countries. At the same time, many researchers combine self-regulation theory with specific subjects, such as mathematics and physics. In addition, some scholars have studied the application of self-regulation theory in foreign language teaching. On the basis of Pintrich's self-regulated learning theory and the current situation and shortcomings of the domestic research, the author combines Pintrich's "Learning motivation Strategy questionnaire", which is based on Pintrich's self-regulated learning theory, and Pintrich's "Learning motivation Strategy questionnaire". The purpose of this study was to investigate the self-regulating ability of middle school students in English learning. The researcher selected 390 students from a middle school in Pingxiang Jiangxi province as subjects. This study mainly answers the following three questions: 1) what is the overall situation of middle school students' English self-regulated learning ability? (2) what is the relationship between middle school students' English self-regulated learning ability and their grades? (3) Middle school students' English self-regulation I adjust whether there is a gender in my learning ability, Age difference? The research tools of this study mainly include a questionnaire and interviews. In this study, first of all, a questionnaire survey was conducted to find out the general situation of middle school students' English self-regulated learning ability, and then, according to the questionnaire, 5-10 students were selected to conduct semi-open interviews, and the data were collected. All data were analyzed by SPSS 16.0. The results show that middle school students' English self-regulation ability has reached a medium level. However, the English self-regulated learning ability of middle school students is different in several dimensions of the self-regulation ability scale. The self-regulation ability of middle school students in the six dimensions is arranged as follows: intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, metacognitive strategies. Cognitive strategy, resource management strategy, extrinsic motivation. Besides extrinsic motivation, there are significant differences between middle school students' English achievement and the other five dimensions, which reveals that there is a significant correlation between middle school students' English self-regulation ability and their English achievement. In addition, the author also finds that the English self-regulated learning ability of middle school students varies with age and gender, which reveals that there is a significant age in English self-regulated learning ability of middle school students. Gender difference: in the middle school stage, female students' self-regulated learning ability is higher than that of male students, and the English self-regulated learning ability of senior high school students is higher than that of junior high school students. Finally, the author points out that English teachers should pay attention to the differences between male and female students in English self-regulated learning, and adjust their teaching methods according to the differences. Students should further strengthen their sense of self-efficacy in English learning, and at the same time, they should adjust their learning strategies so that they can contribute to their English learning. All these provide guidance for improving English self-regulation ability of middle school students.


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