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发布时间:2018-06-08 01:29

  本文选题:归化与异化 + 文化 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a writer and translator, Lin Yutang enjoys great popularity in domestic and international literary circles. Its masterpiece, Beijing smoke Cloud, has caused a great sensation after its publication in the United States, and it is called the classic of modern Chinese novels. Because the subject matter and content are deeply rooted in Chinese culture, most of its English creation languages are based on Chinese translation. At the same time, in order to reproduce the whole picture of Chinese language and culture, the trace of English translation is even more obvious. As a literary masterpiece of translation and creation, Beijing Huayunyun has injected new research ideas and methods into the study of translation. At present, there are many translation theories in translation field, such as Skopos theory, Nida's dynamic equivalence theory, language adaptation theory and Yan Fu's "Xin, Da, Ya" translation theory. All these theories are instructive for the translation of cross-cultural works. Based on these theories, there are two translation strategies in the translation field, which are domesticated translation strategy and foreignization translation strategy. At first, this paper briefly introduces the significance of the study, the novel and its author. Through careful understanding of the author and background of the novel, readers can get the essence of the novel more deeply. After that, this paper analyzes its theoretical basis and related translation strategies, and makes a detailed study of cross-cultural translation in the novel "Beijing smoke Cloud" through various examples. By analyzing the translation strategies based on translation theory in this novel, this paper concludes that the translation strategies of domestication and foreignization exist simultaneously and complement each other in the translation of cross-cultural works. At the same time, the author also hopes to bring some enlightenment to the translation studies containing Chinese cultural works.


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