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发布时间:2018-06-08 19:33

  本文选题:初中语文 + 校本课程开发 ; 参考:《西华师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The three-level curriculum management system has been formally established in China for 16 years. From the theoretical research and practical cases of school-based curriculum development, the school-based curriculum development is booming in our country. The rise of school-based curriculum development also represents a fact: with the development of the times, students now have a variety of development needs, in school education, a single national curriculum can no longer meet the needs of the individual development of students in the growth. The establishment of the three-level curriculum gives the school the space to develop the curriculum independently. Based on its own situation and development needs, the school can develop the curriculum suitable for the students according to the different development needs of the students by the teachers as the main development body. Therefore, in the past 16 years, more and more schools through the school-based curriculum development to build their own educational characteristics and philosophy, improve the professional quality of teachers, develop students' personality and specialty. School-based curriculum development is carried out in the school, and the staff of the school undertake the task of development, and the factors that affect the quality of the school-based curriculum development also increase. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems and reasons of the development of Chinese school-based curriculum in practice through the research on the development of Chinese school-based curriculum in Daying County Experimental School and combine with the development cases of other schools, and put forward the solutions. Through the research on the present situation of the development of Chinese school-based curriculum in Daying Experimental School, the author finds that the following problems exist in this school: the proportion of class hours in the development of Chinese School-based curriculum is too small, and the school teaching system is not deep; The contents of "regional" Chinese school-based textbooks highlight local characteristics, but the contents are not arranged at a deeper level in order to meet the needs of students' development, and the main position of teachers is not reflected in the development. School-based curriculum development deviates from "principal curriculum development" and evaluation system is missing. In view of the above problems, the author makes a thorough analysis and reflection on the causes of the problems, and finds out that the problems come from these aspects: the lack of thorough understanding of the concept of school-based curriculum development, the lack of connection between school-based curriculum and national curriculum, The "school-based" development of national and local courses leads to the lack of attention to the development of school-based curriculum, which is limited by regions and funds. According to the problems found, the author combines the case of Chinese school-based curriculum development in other schools from four aspects: development guarantee, scheme design, perfect process, evaluation and design. From the overall level of the development of Chinese school-based curriculum, this paper puts forward some solutions to the problems exposed in the development of school-based curriculum in Daying Experimental School.


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