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发布时间:2018-06-09 15:32

  本文选题:中国阅兵式 + 评价理论 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On September 3, 2015, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War, China held a grand military parade in Tian鈥檃n Men Square, which attracted a lot of reports from domestic and foreign media. The coverage is varied, and there are different concerns about the issue-their focus is on advanced weaponry, disarmament programs, military power, summit attendance, and Sino-Japanese relations. Because the parade is a sensitive political issue, foreign media reports will inevitably have some misunderstanding and prejudice, which is inseparable from different living conditions, educational background and other factors. It is of great significance to use evaluation theory to analyze the attitude of western news reports. Evaluation theory is a new grammatic-functional framework on interpersonal meaning, which is based on systemic functional linguistics. It studies the expression of various attitudes in discourse. The lexical and grammatical resources that reflect the source of attitude and adjust the intensity of attitude score. Evaluation theory includes three subsystems: attitude, intervention and differential. These three subsystems describe the importance of semantic resources in verbal communication. In these three systems, attitude system is divided into emotion, judgment and appreciation. Attitude in news reporting is the main idea to be conveyed by people in news media. It is of great significance to use the attitude system in evaluation theory to study the hidden ideology in news discourse and the ideas that the author wants to express. The paper draws a total of 30 articles from the Washington Daily and the Daily Mail on military parades. In addition, qualitative and quantitative methods are used to analyze the data. Through the analysis of the data, we can draw three conclusions: 1) the frequency of attitude resources in reporting on the 2015 military parade in China is very high, among which, The proportion of appreciation resources is the highest (37%), followed by judgment resources (34%) and emotional resources (30%). In these news reports, positive attitude resources are slightly more than negative ones (45%). But the ratio of dominant attitude resources is larger than that of invisible resources. In conclusion, this thesis uses qualitative and quantitative research methods to study the distribution of attitude resources under the framework of evaluation theory. On the one hand, it provides a framework for the study of attitudes in news discourse. On the other hand, Chinese students should strengthen their own cultural accomplishment while reading western media reports, and consciously develop the cultural context and attitude hidden in the report, which plays a positive role in improving the reading ability of Chinese students.


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