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发布时间:2018-06-09 19:57

  本文选题:英汉模拟交传 + 学术讲座 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:作者进入吉林大学英语口译专业学习之初,恰逢美国富布莱特学者John Orr到访吉林大学外国语学院,在“语言文化的交流与发展国际学术研讨会——2015东北亚国际语言文化基地年会”发表了主旨演讲《一战回忆、纪念与诗篇》,作者录下了全程音频资料。该讲座学术性很强,具有跨学科特点,对译者要求很高。本篇论文以此次学术讲座作为口译素材,进行模拟交传实践,并对译文逐字整理、寻找问题并提出解决方法,既提高了自身的口笔译水平,也为未来的工作积累了宝贵经验。本次实践形式是模拟交传,虽然可以有一些事先准备,但是想出色完成任务并非易事,所以本文记录了译前准备过程以查缺补漏;在现场实践时,口译内容出现了一些问题,作者归纳总结了影响翻译质量的问题,选取其中的典型逐一分析,提出了相应解决方法。在词汇层面上,典型问题是误译和漏译;对应解决方法是猜测和省略。在句子层面上,典型问题是译语语序失调和赘言;对应解决方法分别是顺句驱动和去语言外壳。为了提出解决办法,以及记下合格的交传笔记,作者也参考了一些相关文献。此次模拟交传实践检测了作者的英语水平以及英译汉的交替传译水平,让作者对这项工作有了更清晰的认识;通过分析自身的翻译问题、应用一定理论追因溯源并最终解决,作者的英译汉口笔译水平都有了一定提高,希望本文能为后来的学习者提供一定参考,也希望各位英语翻译学生能从本文中得到一定启发。
[Abstract]:When the author entered Jilin University for English interpretation studies, John Orr, a Fulbright scholar in the United States, visited the Foreign languages School of Jilin University. In "International Symposium on the Exchange and Development of language and Culture-2015 Annual Conference of International language and Culture Base in Northeast Asia", the keynote speech "World War I memories, memorials and Poems" was delivered, and the author recorded the audio data of the whole process. The lecture is highly academic, interdisciplinary and demanding on translators. This thesis takes this academic lecture as the interpretation material, carries on the simulation transmission practice, arranges the translation verbatim, looks for the question and proposes the solution, has not only improved own translation level, but also has accumulated the valuable experience for the future work. This practice is in the form of simulated transmission, although there can be some preparation in advance, but it is not easy to accomplish the task well. Therefore, this paper has recorded the pre-translation preparation process to check for gaps and gaps. During the on-site practice, there have been some problems in the content of interpretation. The author summarizes the problems that affect the quality of translation, analyzes the typical examples one by one, and puts forward the corresponding solutions. At the lexical level, the typical problems are mistranslation and omission, while the corresponding solutions are conjecture and ellipsis. At the sentence level, the typical problems are misordering and verbosity, and the corresponding solutions are link-driven and dis-shell, respectively. In order to propose solutions and write down qualified notes, the author also refers to some relevant literature. The practice has tested the author's English proficiency and the level of consecutive interpretation into English and Chinese, so that the author has a clearer understanding of the work. Through the analysis of his own translation problems, a certain theory is applied to trace the cause and finally solve the problem. The author's level of translation and translation has been improved. I hope this paper can provide some reference for the later learners, and I also hope that the English translation students can get some inspiration from this paper.


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