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发布时间:2018-06-09 22:39

  本文选题:性别社会 + 交际翻译 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本次译者的翻译任务是2011年出版的The Gendered Society(即《性别化的社会》),其作者为美国专门从事性别研究的社会学家迈克尔·基梅尔(Michael Kimmel)。该书描述性别化的社会及其成因,经导师推荐,译者翻译这本著作的第九至十章。第九章:分隔和不平等,性别化的工作世界。讲述工作中男女分隔、其中的种种不平等、和随之引发的性骚扰以及可能的解决方法。笔者的任务部分主要讲述职场中的玻璃天花板,女性进入多为男性从事的职业时(或者相反的情况时),因性别突出成为象征,从而引发性骚扰,还有关于这些职场问题可能的解决办法。第十章:性别媒体讲述性别化的媒体的现象和成因。实践报告的理论基础是彼得·纽马克的文本类型理论。《性别化的社会》是以信息型文本,因而所采取的翻译策略是彼得·纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译。在翻译过程中,其中以交际翻译为主,语义翻译为辅。本翻译报告由六个部分组成:翻译项目介绍、原语文本介绍、翻译过程、理论框架、案例分析和翻译总结。
[Abstract]:The translator's translation task is to publish the Gendered Society in 2011 by Michael Kimmelin, a sociologist specializing in gender studies in the United States. The book describes the gendered society and its causes. On the recommendation of its mentors, the translator translates chapters 9 to 10 of the book. Chapter 9: separate and unequal, sexist world of work. Talk about the segregation of men and women at work, the inequalities, the resulting sexual harassment and possible solutions. The author's task is mainly about the glass ceiling in the workplace, when women enter a profession where men are mostly engaged in (or vice versa), when the gender is prominent, it becomes a symbol, which leads to sexual harassment. There are also possible solutions to these workplace problems. Chapter 10: the phenomenon and cause of gender media. The theory of practical report is based on Peter Newmark's text type theory, and the sexist society is based on informational text, so the translation strategies adopted are Peter Newmark's semantic translation and communicative translation. In the process of translation, communicative translation is the main part, and semantic translation is auxiliary. This translation report consists of six parts: translation project introduction, original text introduction, translation process, theoretical framework, case analysis and translation summary.


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