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发布时间:2018-06-09 22:42

  本文选题:隐喻 + 字幕翻译 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet in recent years, more and more foreign movies and TV plays are familiar to Chinese audience. The Big Bang Theory in American sitcom life is one of the most popular and has been nominated for many Emmys. The play is characterized by verbal humor. At present, many researchers have studied the drama from the perspectives of subtitle translation, language humor and euphemism, but few of them have studied a large number of metaphors. Under the guidance of relevance theory, this paper analyzes the translation of metaphors in the Big Bang Theory. Relevance theory was formally put forward by Sperger and Wilson in 1986, and Gert put forward the translation view of relevance theory on the basis of it. There are two important points of view: first, contextual effect, relevance theory holds that the best relevance should be achieved in translation, and the target audience makes the least effort to achieve the same contextual effect as the original audience. Second, translation is an ostensive-inferential process between two languages. In the process of translation, the translator should infer the implied meaning from the original text, then express it to the reader, so that the reader can obtain the best correlation with the original language and complete the communication process. Both of these two points can be applied to the study of metaphorical translation. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the features, functions, classification of metaphors in the drama "Big Bang Theory". The second chapter introduces the relevance theory and the relevant subtitle analysis of metaphor. Under the guidance of relevance theory, the third chapter selects 36 examples in the Big Bang Theory. Two important principles of metaphorical translation are drawn. First, metaphor is a mode of thinking, in which the expression and transmission of the author's thinking should be emphasized. Second, in language communication, people should accomplish the purpose of transmitting information and the purpose of communication, and in translation, they should form the largest context and the best relevance among the target audience and the source language.


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