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发布时间:2018-06-10 07:48

  本文选题:《弗莱默:北京旅游指南》 + 功能对等 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着国际经济的迅猛发展和中国国际地位的不断提升,加上中国得天独厚的历史文化资源,来华旅游的人数直线上升。作为中国的政治文化中心以及成功承办了2008年奥运会-北京无疑令全世界瞩目。中外游客获为了获得更好的旅游体验,越来越多的人在旅游开始前,都会查阅相关的旅游资料,因此旅游资料的翻译也变得越来越热门。此次翻译实践报告是在翻译了Jen Lin-liu和Sherisse Pham的作品《弗莱默:北京旅游指南》(节选)的基础上完成的。本书对北京的旅游做了全面详尽的介绍,从鲜为人知的历史背景到蓬勃发展的经济现状;从轻松愉快的购物体验到丰富多彩的入夜生活;从住宿到餐饮;从城区到街道;从胡同到高楼等等。让中外游客、读者感受到不一样的北京。本篇翻译实践报告使用的是奈达的功能对等理论,共分为六个部分:第一部分,翻译缘起,着重讲了项目背景和意义;第二部分,任务介绍,主要介绍了作品、作者以及文本特点;第三部分,翻译过程,主要介绍了译前准备、初译和审校过程;第四部分,翻译理论框架,主要讲了功能对等理论的概念以及理论指导下的翻译原则和翻译方法;第五部分是案例分析,从词汇和句法两方面,结合翻译方法,对一些案例进行了分析;第六部分总结了此次翻译过程的收获、不足以及今后努力的方向。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of international economy and the continuous improvement of China's international status, coupled with China's unique historical and cultural resources, the number of visitors to China has risen sharply. As China's political and cultural center and successfully hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing undoubtedly attracted the attention of the world. In order to get a better tourism experience, more and more Chinese and foreign tourists will consult the related travel materials before the beginning of the tourism, so the translation of tourism materials is becoming more and more popular. The translation practice report is based on the translation of Jen Lin-liu and Sherisse Pham's "Flemmer: a Guide to Beijing" (excerpt). The book gives a comprehensive and detailed introduction to Beijing's tourism, from its little-known historical background to its booming economic status; from a relaxed shopping experience to a rich and colorful nightlife; from accommodation to catering; from urban areas to streets; From hutongs to tall buildings and so on. Let Chinese and foreign tourists, readers feel different Beijing. This translation practice report uses Nida's functional equivalence theory, which is divided into six parts: the first part, the origin of the translation, focuses on the background and significance of the project, the second part, the introduction of the task, mainly introduces the works. The author and the characteristics of the text; part three, the translation process, mainly introduces the pre-translation preparation, the initial translation and the revision process; the fourth part, the theoretical framework of translation. The fifth part is a case study, which analyzes some cases from lexical and syntactic aspects, including translation methods and lexical and syntactic approaches, as well as translation principles and translation methods under the guidance of functional equivalence theory. The sixth part summarizes the achievements of the translation process, shortcomings and the direction of future efforts.


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