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发布时间:2018-06-10 04:43

  本文选题:中国文化翻译 + 跨文化交际 ; 参考:《江苏科技大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:考试对教学的影响称为反拨效应(backwash or washback effect)(Hughes,2003:1-2)。语言测试对语言教学具有引导的作用,往往能决定教学的方向和目标。根据测试对教学的影响效果,反拨效应可以分为两种:积极的反拨效应和消极的反拨效应。积极的反拨效应通过对课程的完善、教材或教学方法的更新促进教学的发展;消极的反拨效应不仅不会对教学起到推动作用,而且还可能使教学误入歧途,阻碍教学的发展。大学英语四级考试是由国家高等教育司主持的全国性、标准化的语言测试,从1987年正式实施,它的目的是为了贯彻执行大学英语教学大纲,客观、准确地测量大学生的英语能力,提高大学英语教学质量。随着社会的发展进步,国家对人才培养的标准也在不断提高;为了更好地满足国家对人才的需求,四级考试也不断地发展和完善。2013年8月大学英语四级考试委员会局部调整了英语四级考试的试卷结构和测试题型,2013年12月正式实施新四级考试,翻译测试是此次改革中的亮点,主要表现在测试的题型和内容上;由改革前的补全5个单句的翻译题目调整为有140-160个汉字的段落翻译,内容涉及到中国的经济社会发展、历史文化、科技成果、社会热点等方面,考试时间由原来的5分钟增加到了30分钟,分值的比例也由5%提高到了15%。把中国文化以翻译的形式融入到英语四级考试中,既考察了学生的翻译能力,也考察了学生的跨文化交际能力。本研究主要依据Alderson和Wall的反拨假设理论,借鉴国内外学者对反拨作用研究的成果,以两所高校的300名非英语专业的大二学生和23名大学英语教师为研究对象,结合定量和定性的研究方法,以问卷调查为主,访谈为辅,调查大学英语四级考试中的中国文化翻译测试对大学英语教学的反拨作用。研究表明,大学英语四级考试中的中国文化翻译测试对大学英语教学的各个方面都产生了不同程度的影响。就教学方面而言,主要表现在对教学态度,教学目标,教学内容,教学材料的选取,教学的广度和深度以及教学时间分配的影响上面;其中对教学目标、教学内容、教学材料的选择影响比较大,但是对教学方法的影响不明显,从整体上看,中国文化翻译测试对教学产生了积极的反拨作用。受中国文化翻译测试的影响,大多数老师开始在英语教学中融入翻译教学和中国文化教学。中国文化翻译测试对学生的学习态度,学习内容,学习目标,学习方法,学习时间的分配也产生了积极的影响,大多数学生开始重视跨文化交际能力的培养和翻译能力的提高。根据研究的结果,本文对如何进一步提高中国文化翻译测试对大学英语教学的正效应提出了一些建议。例如,在英语教学过程中,大学英语教师要主动培养中国文化素养,加强中国文化输出,提高学生用英语表达中国文化的能力;注重翻译教学,提高学生的翻译能力。
[Abstract]:The effect of examination on teaching is called backwash or washback effect. Language testing plays a leading role in language teaching and often determines the direction and goal of language teaching. According to the effect of test on teaching, backwash effect can be divided into two types: positive backwash effect and negative backwash effect. The positive backwash effect promotes the development of teaching by perfecting the course, renewing the teaching material or teaching method, and the negative backwash effect not only can not promote the teaching, but also may make the teaching go astray and hinder the development of the teaching. College English Test Band 4 (CET-4) is a national, standardized language test administered by the National Department of higher Education, which was formally implemented in 1987. Its purpose is to implement the College English syllabus. To measure college students' English ability accurately and improve the quality of college English teaching. With the development and progress of the society, the national standards for the training of talents have been constantly raised; in order to better meet the needs of the country for talents, In August 2013, the College English Test Committee partially adjusted the structure of the CET-4 test paper and the type of test questions. In December 2013, the CET-4 test was officially implemented. The translation test was the highlight of the reform. It is mainly manifested in the type and content of the questions in the test. The title of the translation of the five complete sentences before the reform has been adjusted to a paragraph with 140-160 Chinese characters, which involves China's economic and social development, history and culture, and scientific and technological achievements. In social hotspots, the examination time increased from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, and the percentage of scores increased from 5% to 15 minutes. Integrating Chinese culture into CET4 in the form of translation not only examines the students' translation competence but also their intercultural communicative competence. Based on Alderson's and Wall's theory of backwash hypothesis, the present study focuses on 300 non-English major sophomores and 23 college English teachers in two universities. Combining quantitative and qualitative research methods with questionnaires and interviews the author investigates the backwash effect of Chinese cultural translation test in CET-4 on college English teaching. The research shows that the Chinese cultural translation test in CET-4 has different effects on all aspects of college English teaching. As far as teaching is concerned, it mainly shows its influence on teaching attitude, teaching objectives, teaching contents, selection of teaching materials, teaching breadth and depth, and teaching time distribution, among which, it has great influence on teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching materials, teaching materials and teaching materials. The choice of teaching materials has a great influence, but the influence on teaching methods is not obvious. On the whole, the Chinese cultural translation test has a positive backwash effect on teaching. Under the influence of Chinese cultural translation test, most teachers begin to integrate translation teaching and Chinese culture teaching into English teaching. Chinese cultural translation tests also have a positive impact on students' learning attitude, learning content, learning objectives, learning methods, and allocation of learning time. Most students begin to attach importance to the cultivation of intercultural communicative competence and the improvement of translation competence. Based on the results of the study, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to further improve the positive effect of Chinese cultural translation test on college English teaching. For example, in the process of English teaching, college English teachers should take the initiative to cultivate Chinese cultural literacy, strengthen the export of Chinese culture, improve students' ability to express Chinese culture in English, pay attention to translation teaching and improve students' translation ability.


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