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发布时间:2018-06-11 13:34

  本文选题:高中英语教材 + 阅读材料 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Teaching materials play an important role in the process of foreign language teaching. And reading occupies a large proportion in the teaching material. Reading is not only a basic language skill, but also the main content of English teaching and various language tests. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the reading materials in the textbooks. However, many researches on English teaching materials in middle schools at home and abroad mainly focus on analyzing the textbooks themselves, introducing the textbooks, evaluating the textbooks, discussing how to use the textbooks and how to compile the textbooks, and most of the research objects are the teaching materials themselves or the main body of teaching-teachers. There is not much research on teaching materials from the point of view of the main body of learning-students. Based on the needs of the students, this study evaluates the reading materials in the rookie edition of senior high school English textbooks. First of all, the new high school English textbook is a set of high school English teaching materials widely used in China. Secondly, the textbook is based on the spirit of the English syllabus for full-time senior middle schools and the English Curriculum Standard for Full-time compulsory Education General High Schools (Experimental draft). It was revised on the basis of the high school English textbook, which was developed in 1993 by Sino-British cooperation. Therefore, it can be said that the textbook embodies the concept of students' development as the starting point and destination in the syllabus and curriculum standards. Reading accounts for a large proportion of the set of textbooks. The purpose of this study is to explore the extent to which the reading materials in this set of textbooks meet the needs of students, and to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of reading materials so as to provide references and suggestions for teachers and students to use reading materials effectively. This paper first gives a brief description of the reading materials in the senior high school English teaching materials, that is, reading and understanding before reading, and explains its characteristics. Secondly, two questionnaires and interviews were conducted to find out the extent to which the reading materials in the textbook can meet the students' reading needs. 276 students of Wuhan University affiliated Middle School participated in the questionnaire survey and 6 teachers participated in the interview. The two questionnaires were used to investigate the students' reading needs and the students' evaluation of reading materials, while the teachers' interviews were aimed at understanding how teachers deal with reading materials in the teaching process and their views on how reading materials can meet the students' reading needs. After combing the questionnaire and the results of the interview, the author finds that the reading materials in the English teaching materials of senior high school have been affirmed by students and teachers in terms of topic, subject matter, practice, activities and cultural communicative competence. Its rich reading topic, subject matter, various practice activities and so on are beneficial to the student's English knowledge study and the English ability development. In addition, the reading materials in the textbook also introduce the cultures of many English-speaking countries. Students can learn about foreign cultures and develop cross-cultural communicative competence by studying the text. In general, the reading materials in the English teaching materials for senior high school meet the students' reading needs. Finally, based on the results of questionnaires and interviews, this study puts forward some suggestions to teachers, students and textbook writers on the use of textbooks and the improvement of teaching materials, in order to realize the rational use and optimization of reading materials. And then to a greater extent to meet the learning needs of students.


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