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发布时间:2018-06-11 14:51

  本文选题:批评性语篇分析 + 语篇-历史分析方法 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, discourse-history analysis and interpersonal function theory are applied to the critical analysis of American President Barack Obama's speech on immigration. Based on the analysis of the use of discourse strategies in his speech, this paper studies the interpersonal relationships that Obama has constructed through discourse strategies, and explores the political objectives that Obama intends to achieve by using these strategies. The aim is to enhance people's understanding of political speeches. As an interdisciplinary and problem-oriented approach, text-history analysis focuses on the complex interaction between discourse and social structure. The approach focuses on five aspects of discourse strategies: the referential strategy or nomination strategy, predicate deixis strategy, debate strategy, perspective / framing strategy, and reinforcement or weakening strategy. This paper, based on the five textual strategies and supplemented by interpersonal function theory, makes a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis of the corpus. The purpose of this paper is to answer the following three research questions: 1) how the discourse strategies used in Obama's speech on immigration are used. (2) what interpersonal relationships are constructed by the use of these discourse strategies) how these strategies reflect the use of these discourse strategies What are the underlying political goals? This paper gathers speeches on immigration during the Obama campaign and seven years of two presidential terms, and selects 20 excerpts from six speeches as corpus, combining social, political and historical factors of different periods. The use of discourse strategies in Obama's speech is studied in a diachronic way. Research shows that in his speech, Obama has been committed to building a positive image of immigration, emphasizing the essential characteristics of the United States as an immigrant nation, and building supportive, equal, cooperative relationships. At the same time, through the use of discourse strategies, Obama tries to maintain policy coherence and flexibility, and maintain the political objectives of party superiority. This research has certain practical value. First of all, the discourse-history analysis and interpersonal function theory are applied to the analysis of political discourse, which is helpful to deepen the understanding of political discourse. Secondly, this study is helpful to the teaching of English reading and writing. Finally, this study helps to enhance critical language awareness and help people understand the speaker's practical intentions.


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