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发布时间:2018-06-12 03:21

  本文选题:语料库 + 译者风格研究 ; 参考:《中国翻译》2017年02期

[Abstract]:In recent years, Corpus-based research on translator's style has developed rapidly at home and abroad. However, scholars' understanding of the connotation and attributes of translator's style is rather vague and one-sided, and the scope of research in this field needs to be expanded. Based on the analysis of the connotations and features of the translator's style, this paper analyzes the progress and problems in the study of the translator's style from the aspects of lexical application, syntactic structure application, narrative features and translation strategy and method application. This paper analyzes in detail the specific approaches to the study of translator's style. The author holds that the translator's style is the coherence which the translator presents in translating different works and is different from other translators' personality characteristics. The translator's style is characterized by stability, variability, uniqueness and systematicness. The study of the translator's style includes the study of the translator's style at the linguistic feature level and the study of the translator's style at the non-linguistic feature level. Based on the statistics and analysis of relevant translation facts, we can describe and conclude the translator's style, and analyze the reasons or constraints of the formation of the translator's style from the perspective of the translator's own factors and non-translator 's own factors.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学;


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