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发布时间:2018-06-12 21:01

  本文选题:语用/语法能力 + 语用/语法意识程度 ; 参考:《中国外语》2017年03期

[Abstract]:This paper investigates the development of English pragmatic and grammatical competence of college students in China by means of a questionnaire, and discusses the influence of individual factors such as gender and personality on their development. It is found that the pragmatic competence of Chinese college students is significantly higher than that of their grammatical competence, which supports the pragmatic preference in foreign language learning. (2) the English pragmatic awareness of college students in China is significantly higher than that of their grammatical awareness. Moreover, there is a significant correlation between pragmatic awareness and pragmatic competence, and between grammatical awareness and grammatical competence, which provides pragmatic evidence for intentional attention hypothesis) English pragmatic competence, grammatical competence and gender of college students in China. There was no significant correlation between individual differences in age, personality, English proficiency, English learning years and so on.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学;北京外国语大学;
【基金】:中国博士后科学基金第60批面上资助项目“我国外语教育学的学科建构研究”(2016M600959)的阶段性成果 江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金项目——非英语专业大学生英语语用能力发展历时研究(2017SJB 1074)的阶段性成果


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