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发布时间:2018-06-13 01:29

  本文选题:翻译报告 + 健康新闻 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Weight loss, fitness, improving their own medical knowledge, these aspects are attracting people's attention. This also proves that with the development of society, people pay more and more attention to their own health, whether physical health or mental health. People began to pay attention to the health of articles, the status of health news is also increasing. On the basis of this, the translator wrote a translation practice report and analyzed the completion of the translation task. This report consists of four parts: translation task description, translation process description, translation case analysis and translation practice summary. The task description includes the task background, the nature of the task and the completion of the task. The process description section is an introduction to the implementation of translation tasks. In the part of case analysis, the translation of proper nouns and professional terms, the translation of common vocabulary, the translation of titles and sentences are analyzed, and the three principles of Skopos theory are as follows: Skopos principle, Skopos principle and Skopos principle. Under the guidance of the principle of consistency and fidelity, the solutions to the problems encountered are given, and the solutions to the similar problems are considered. For example, in the determination of the meaning of common vocabulary, the original context and cross-cultural communication are deeply considered in the way of combining literal translation with free translation. Finally, in the part of practice summary, the author summarizes and ponders the unsolved problems in translation practice, hoping to enlighten and help the study work in the future. It is hoped that this practice report will help to deepen the understanding of translation practice and provide reference for translation activities.


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