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发布时间:2018-06-13 18:37

  本文选题:儿童文学翻译 + 目的论 ; 参考:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本次翻译项目选取的是《美国灰姑娘》(Cinderella in America)的一部分。《美国灰姑娘》是一本美国民间故事和童话故事的合集,编者是美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学的英语名誉教授威廉·伯纳德·麦卡锡。书中故事虽然情节简单,但是译者需要考虑到儿童读者的特点,用简洁、生动、音律化的语言讲述故事的发展,力求传递信息的同时,增加儿童的阅读兴趣。基于这次翻译实践,报告主要讨论了儿童文学翻译中一些可行的翻译策略。结合目的论和调查问卷的结果,译者发现,针对儿童文学翻译中的词汇部分,可以采用增词、减词翻译方法,例如增加口语化词汇、叠词和拟声词使译文生动形象,适当增加成语满足儿童读者的求知欲;对于句型方面的处理,发现儿童文学译者应避长就短,避繁就简,不给小读者带来阅读障碍,因此,拆分、重组、合并等翻译技巧对长句的翻译必不可少;对于故事中的歌谣,译者发现读者更倾向于接受归化下的译文;最后,对于文化词汇,读者更易接受直译加解释的方法。
[Abstract]:The translation project is part of Cinderella in America, a collection of American folklore and fairy tales. The editor is William Bernard McCarthy, emeritus professor of English at Pennsylvania State University. Although the plot of the story is simple, the translator needs to take into account the characteristics of the child reader, and use concise, vivid and rhythmic language to tell the story in order to convey information and increase children's interest in reading. Based on this translation practice, the report mainly discusses some feasible translation strategies in children's literature translation. Based on the Skopos Theory and the results of the questionnaire, the translator finds that the lexical part of children's literature translation can be translated by adding words and reducing words, such as adding colloquial words, repeating words and onomatopoeia words to make the target text vivid. It is found that the translator of children's literature should avoid the short length, avoid the complexity, and do not bring the reading obstacle to the small readers. Translation techniques such as merging are essential to the translation of long sentences; for ballads in the story, the translator finds that readers are more likely to accept domesticated translations; finally, for cultural vocabulary, readers are more receptive to literal translation and interpretation.


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4 刘林;;浅谈儿童、儿童文学与儿童文学翻译[J];科技信息(科学教研);2008年12期

5 范菁菁;;论儿童文学的翻译原则——《皇帝的新装》三个译本之比较[J];辽宁教育行政学院学报;2008年03期

6 仲伟合,钟钰;德国的功能派翻译理论[J];中国翻译;1999年03期

7 杨实诚;论儿童文学语言[J];中国文学研究;1999年02期

8 徐家荣;儿童文学翻译中形象再现的艺术手法[J];外语学刊(黑龙江大学学报);1991年06期

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2 张海燕;“期待视野”下儿童文学词汇翻译研究报告[D];南京理工大学;2015年

3 张慧;目的论视角下的儿童文学翻译[D];北京外国语大学;2013年

4 鲁敏华;如何处理翻译中的文化因素[D];首都师范大学;2007年




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