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发布时间:2018-06-14 12:56

  本文选题:早读课 + 听力技能 ; 参考:《英语教师》2016年24期

[Abstract]:By analyzing the results of a questionnaire survey of 1800 junior middle school students in Chuzhou No. 2 Middle School, Anhui Province, this paper tries to find out the students' views and understandings on the early reading of English. In view of the problems existing in early reading, this paper probes into the teaching strategies of early reading in English, enriches the teaching contents and training forms of early reading from four aspects: listening, speaking, reading and writing, improving the efficiency of early reading in English, training students' listening, speaking and reading. Writing ability, and then develop students' comprehensive language use ability.
【作者单位】: 安徽省滁州市第二中学;


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