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发布时间:2018-06-17 15:03

  本文选题:及物性 + 六个过程 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The systemic functional grammar is divided into three metafunctions: conceptual function, interpersonal function and textual function. Transitivity system is one of the means to realize the concept function. Many scholars have applied it to the analysis of literary discourse, such as Dildrich 1982: 195-214), which analyzes the novel Bell Shadow from the perspective of transitivity system, which reveals that transitivity system can effectively analyze the power relationship behind the text. On the other hand, the author chooses Hughes'"on the Road" as the corpus to analyze the stylistic features of the novel from the perspective of the transitivity system, and proves that the transitive system can help to reveal the complex relationship between the implied author and the real author. However, the study of the psychology of characters in children's literature by transitivity system is less involved. Therefore, this paper makes a tentative study in this direction. The purpose is to reveal the psychological changes of the protagonist in Alice in Wonderland from the perspective of transitivity system. Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, is a famous British fairy tale writer, mathematician and logician. The novel is one of its representative works. The book is about Alice the little girl after entering a magical country from the rabbit hole met many creatures and experienced many wonderful adventures; while exploring she also constantly knew herself and continued to grow. According to the development of the story, the article chooses the clauses related to Alice, and divides the selected clauses into three stages: confused period, transition period and mature stage; This paper analyzes clauses in different stages according to the six "processes" of transitive systems. What are the differences in the distribution of clauses in each process in three different stages? (2) what psychological changes does this difference reveal for the protagonist? In this study, the following findings are made: (1) in these three different stages, the distribution of the six "processes" of clauses varies. The proportion of physical process, relational process, behavioral process and existential process does not change significantly in these three stages. The difference is mainly in the psychological process and speech process. The distribution of the clauses in the psychological process is decreasing in these three stages, which reflects that Alice's inner confusion is gradually decreasing, while the affirmation of herself is increasing. In contrast, the clauses in the speech process show a marked increase in distribution in these three stages, especially during the transition period, which reflects Alice's growing courage to express her ideas during her adventures. More and more confident and brave, Alice's psychological growth is mainly reflected in four aspects: first, in the aspect of self-cognition, Alice has changed from bewilderment to certainty in answering the question of who I am. Second, the ability of thinking, Alice from blind obedience to independent thinking, and the courage to resist unreasonable orders. Third, in the emergency response capacity, she from the beginning of the bewilderment, crying into a calm response, resourceful handling. Fourth, Alice has made a significant improvement in her interpersonal skills. In a word, the analysis of the inner growth and transitivity of the protagonist in Alice in Wonderland not only broadens the research direction of the system of materiality, but also provides a new perspective for the analysis of children's literature.


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