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发布时间:2018-06-17 15:49

  本文选题:《奇异恩典》 + 人物传记 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of the world economy and the deepening of globalization, the blending of Chinese and Western cultures is deepening day by day, and China's development can not be separated from the world. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the culture and history of other countries in the world. Literary works are one of the important forms of recording history and inheriting culture. As a form of literary works, biographies have the characteristics of authenticity and literariness, which can well reproduce historical facts, highlight characters, develop a character and spread a culture. As a student majoring in translation, the author should take on the important task of spreading Chinese and western culture, build a bridge between Chinese and western culture, learn translation theories and techniques learned, and try to reproduce the original thought and verve. As one of the most popular country gospel songs in the United States and even in the West, "fantastic Grace" is not only a favorite American hymn, but also a psalm of the people's spiritual world. So important, popular music, it is worth exploring the story behind it. Steve Turner's book fantastic Grace (the same name as the song) is a detailed account of John Newton's life and how he wrote the song. Therefore, the author chooses part of the text of the book as the original version of the translation report. In the writing, the author divides the translation report into two parts: the first part is the preface of the book, the original text of the first chapter and the second chapter, and the translation of the author. The second part is the report part, which consists of four subsections: background information on the translation task, preparatory work in the translation process, problems encountered, Translation difficulties and applied theories and strategies such as Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence and Tytler's three principles of translation; case study includes translation of proper nouns encountered in translation, translation of poems and lyrics, long sentences. The final section is a summary of the whole translation report.


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