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发布时间:2018-06-17 16:15

  本文选题:茶叶 + 平面广告 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年12期

[Abstract]:In order to better promote our tea, English tea print advertising arises spontaneously. For tea English, due to its strong professionalism, the related vocabulary is very complex, and it is difficult for English translators. At the same time, print ads have a higher demand for English language, requiring superb English expression skills. The use of some special English expression methods can greatly enhance the English level of tea print advertising and enrich the forms of expression of advertising language. Quickly improve the communication effect of advertising, giving people a more professional impression. This also requires us translators to use appropriate techniques to translate tea print advertisements. Among them, puns are loved by many translators with the characteristics of multiple meanings and humor. By exploring the application of pun in tea print advertisement, this paper analyzes the methods in English translation, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for the translation of tea flat advertisement by using several methods, such as translation, emphasis on translation and so on. It broadens the translator's thinking.
【作者单位】: 廊坊市广播电视大学;


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