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Sara Plus医疗器械使用说明书汉译研究

发布时间:2018-06-18 14:22

  本文选题:产品使用说明书 + 合作原则 ; 参考:《东华大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化的不断推进,越来越多的国际产品涌进中国市场,尤其是大量的医疗器械公司正在积极地寻求与中国的合作,这种现象在某种程度上有利于中国医疗事业的发展。国外企业想要融入中国市场、与中国企业合作、为中国消费者提供产品与服务,提供一份地道的中文产品说明书就显得格外重要。它不但能为消费者提供详细的功能介绍信息、指导消费者正确地使用该产品以及告知消费者使用该产品可实现的预期效果,它同时肩负着宣传产品及树立品牌形象的使命。此次实践报告基于安究Sara Plus产品说明书的翻译实践而撰写。笔者首先概述了产品说明书的功能和文本特点,接着介绍了此次翻译实践的指导原则即合作原则。在本文的主体部分,笔者结合安究Sara plus产品说明书的案例,对产品说明书中使用的翻译策略进行具体的分析。对于其中运用的大量术语和缩略词,较多出现的祈使句、被动句、简单句和复杂句,笔者采用不同的翻译策略,包括直译法、还原法、句式转换、增补法和拆分法,以求译文的准确性和实用性。笔者希望通过本文的浅析,能够给此类产品说明书的翻译提供一些借鉴和启示。
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization, more and more international products are pouring into the Chinese market, especially a large number of medical device companies are actively seeking cooperation with China. To some extent, this phenomenon is conducive to the development of China's medical industry. Foreign enterprises want to integrate into the Chinese market, cooperate with Chinese enterprises, provide products and services for Chinese consumers, and provide an authentic Chinese product manual. It can not only provide consumers with detailed information of function introduction, guide consumers to use the product correctly and inform consumers of the expected results that can be achieved by using the product, but also shoulder the mission of publicizing the product and setting up the brand image. This practice report is based on the translation practice of Sara Plus product description. The author first summarizes the functions and features of the product description, and then introduces the guiding principle of translation practice, namely the principle of cooperation. In the main part of this paper, the author analyzes the translation strategies used in the product description of Sara plus with a case study. For a large number of terms and acronyms, as well as more imperative sentences, passive sentences, simple sentences and complex sentences, the author adopts different translation strategies, including literal translation, reduction, sentence transformation, addition and split. In order to obtain the accuracy and practicality of the translation. The author hopes that through the analysis of this paper, it can provide some reference and inspiration for the translation of this kind of product instruction.


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