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发布时间:2018-06-20 13:27

  本文选题:小说翻译 + 意译 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是英国著名自传小说《我的家人和其他动物》(My Family and Other Anjmals)的翻译实践报告,报告涉及小说的前两章内容。本书作者是英国著名自然学家杰拉德·德雷尔的自传作品。讲述的是从1935年到1939年,作者作为一个十岁左右的孩子与他的兄弟姐妹和寡妇母亲生活在希腊科孚岛上发生的种种趣事。故事的起因是由于伦敦的沉郁天气让每个家庭成员苦不堪言,所以作者全家决定搬到号称阳光国度的希腊科孚岛,在那里发生的各种有趣见闻以及与各种动物的相遇冲突。也正是这段经历让作者得到启蒙,并最终成为世界著名动物学家。选择这本小说的前两章作为本次的翻译实践报告,一方面是因为前两章是整个故事的基石,更利于对整个作品有个完整的理解。另一方面是因为前两章内容涉及大量关于风景的细致描写,无论是起初在伦敦的沉闷天气还是搬到科孚岛的阳光普照,作者都投入了大量的笔墨,细致而生动,这大大增加了翻译的难度。除此之外,这其中还包含大量的人物对话,如何将对话内容地道地翻译也是一大难点。在写作方面,作者笔锋细腻幽默,以一种极其夸张的方式放大了家庭成员的各种缺点,书中的每个人物都有各自鲜明的特点,作者针对这一点放大每个人物的迷人之处,使人印象深刻。同时,作者又兼具惊人的观察能力和强大的想象力,对书中各种景物、动物描绘地细致生动,引人入胜,让人浮想联翩,更让人不时捧腹大笑,使本书堪称为全世界最快乐的童年笔记。如何在译文中尽可能地还原这些语言特色都值得琢磨深思。除了语言特点方面,本报告还将重点关注小说翻译的基本策略,如小说标题的翻译,直译与异译,归化与异化等策略的使用。本报告涉及了四个部分。第一部分是任务描述,包括选题原因和意义,作者介绍和作品介绍。第二部分是翻译过程描述,包括译前准备、翻译阶段和译后事宜。第三部分是案例分析,这也是本报告的精髓之处,将翻译策略与书中实例难句相结合进行分析对比。最后一部分为总结部分,综合此次翻译实践,总结经验与教训。通过此次翻译实践,笔者对小说翻译有了更为深刻的认识,并从中认识到了笔者自身在翻译领域的不足之处,需要通过不断地实践来提升自身的英语翻译能力。
[Abstract]:This paper is the translation practice report of my Family and other Anjmals, a famous autobiographical novel in England, which covers the first two chapters of the novel. The author of this book is the autobiography of the famous British naturalist Gerald Dreyer. From 1935 to 1939, the author lived in the Greek island of Corfu as a 10-year-old child with his siblings and widowed mothers. The story starts with the depressing weather in London, so the family decided to move to the Greek island of Corfu, which is known as the Sunshine State, where interesting experiences and encounters and conflicts with various animals have taken place. It was this experience that inspired the author and eventually became a world-famous zoologist. The first two chapters of this novel are chosen as the translation practice report, on the one hand, because the first two chapters are the cornerstone of the whole story, which is conducive to a complete understanding of the whole work. On the other hand, because the first two chapters involved a lot of detailed descriptions of the landscape, whether it was the dreary weather in London at first or the sunshine that moved to Corfu, the author devoted a lot of pen and ink, meticulous and vivid. This greatly increases the difficulty of translation. In addition, it also contains a large number of dialogues, how to translate the dialogue content is also a major difficulty. In terms of writing, the writer's delicate style of humor magnifies the shortcomings of family members in an extremely exaggerated way. Each character in the book has his own distinctive characteristics, and the author aims to amplify the charm of each character. Impressive. At the same time, the author also has an amazing ability to observe and powerful imagination, to the various scenes in the book, animals are described in detail, vivid, fascinating, let people think, more people laugh from time to time. Make this book the happiest childhood note in the world. How to restore these linguistic features as much as possible in the translation is worth pondering. In addition to linguistic features, this report will focus on the basic strategies of novel translation, such as the translation of novel titles, literal translation and translation, domestication and alienation. The present report covers four parts. The first part is the task description, including the reason and significance of the topic, the introduction of the author and the introduction of the work. The second part is a description of the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation phase and post-translation issues. The third part is case analysis, which is the essence of this report. The last part is the summary part, synthesizing the translation practice, summing up the experience and lessons. Through this translation practice, the author has a deeper understanding of the translation of novels, from which he realizes the shortcomings of the author in the field of translation, and needs to improve his English translation ability through continuous practice.


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