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发布时间:2018-06-21 06:34

  本文选题:体育新闻报道 + 主位 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Thematic selection plays a key role in the organization of discourse, and thematic extrapolation reflects the interaction between thematic divisions and rhemes in order to divide the continuity of discourse into discourses. Sports institutes play a very important role in the life theory of the people, and sports news is a pair of high newspapers, which is not only the right factor of broadcast program flow, but also plays a very important role in sports news. The purpose of this study is to explore the similarities and differences between thematic and thematic push models and their causes. Except for Halliday's thematic institutions, Dennis's thematic push models and Zhu Yongsheng's thematic push-mode models, This paper analyzes and compares the two pairs of Corpus from the Yu Guo New York Times except the 32 articles of the American East Public Radio. In order to achieve the goal of division, the present study is concerned with the answer to the question: 1: 1. On the Distribution of theme in English newspaper except broadcast Sports News 2. On the distribution of thematic push mode in English newspapers apart from sports news reports On Sports News reports in English Newspapers without Broadcasting; what are the similarities and differences in the distribution of thematic and thematic push modes? What factors are responsible for these similarities and differences? In addition to the comparative analysis of the theme and the model of the news report on the newspaper except broadcast, this research is divided into two parts: 1. 1. Thematic distribution and its causes: there are more zero sentences in the theory of broadcast sports news report, which is more interactive than that of the author and reader in the radio news report theory except the audience. Except sports news reports, most of them are covered by sports news reports. However, more radio news reports than newspaper news reports learn about the theme of the East item. The reason is that the broadcasting news tends to bring the attitude of the broadcaster to the part of the information, and the theory of the sports report in the theme newspaper of the work item occupies many parts, so it is easier to learn the news report. The theory of the principal divisional theme, except that it shows the time, the point, the reason, and the supplementary words attached to the article, which is divided by the function of the facts described in the news report; the phenomenon of the divisional complement as the principal divider of the theme is not the same as that of the phenomenon in which the subject is divided by the original, the point, the reason, the article, and so on. This is because complement is different as the theme, and it is beneficial to the text. 2. The distribution of thematic push patterns and their reasons: the two pairs of corpus are more popular than the other two pairs of patterns, because of the location of the theme, the position of the location, the position of the position. In this way, it is easier to learn how to read and listen to it. Broadcasting sports news reports a relatively large number of places divided by the model. The rheme can attract the audience not only to produce rhetorical effects, but also to increase its appeal. The two pairs of corpus theory of the forked push model are less learned because they are difficult to remove and facilitate the processing of information. Based on the above, It is said that the newspaper, apart from broadcasting news, sports reports, has the same features as the theme and the theme push mode, and that they, as news reports themselves, facilitate the text processing of what they are looking at. The main theme of newspaper and broadcast news report is the same point in the mode of thematic push, which originates from the establishment of discourse register factor, and the concrete result of the same mode is that of the same channel of news communication in the same place. This comparative study enriches the research on the theme of news discourse and the mode of thematic nudging, and its present research is valuable reference for the teaching and writing of sports news reports.


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