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发布时间:2018-06-21 06:54

  本文选题:语言经济学 + 模糊限制语 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Fuzziness has always been a basic phenomenon in nature. Since Zadeh published his paper Fuzzy set in 1965, fuzzy linguistics has emerged as the times require and received wide attention. After this, American linguist Lakoff put forward the concept of hedges in 1972. He defined hedges as words that make things vague. Hedges are the most typical hedges. So far, hedges have been widely used in various social situations, especially in business letters. Therefore, the research on hedges in business letters has been paid more and more attention and many achievements have been made. Language is an indispensable tool in human economic and social activities. With the development of human capital theory and educational economics, language plays an increasingly important role in economics. Until 1965, the information economist Marshak first put forward the theory of linguistic economics. This theory is a new cross-disciplinary between economics and linguistics. Linguistic economics holds that economics is closely related to the search for optimal linguistic structures. At the same time, language has the same economic characteristics as other resources, namely value, utility, cost and benefit. The discussion and analysis of these four aspects has become an important part of linguistic economics. Linguistic economics uses the theory and method of economics to examine linguistics, which infuses new vitality into the study of linguistics. Based on the theory of linguistic economics, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of hedges in English business letters. On the one hand, the author investigates the distribution of hedges in eight types of English business letters by means of quantitative analysis. The classification of hedges is based on the research results of Prius et al. On the other hand, the author explores the economic characteristics of hedges in English business letters from the perspective of linguistic economics through qualitative analysis. The analytical framework is based on the four economic characteristics of language proposed by Marshack. Firstly, the value characteristics of hedges are analyzed according to their market value and non-market value. Secondly, the utility of hedges is based on the scarcity and network externalities in economics. Thirdly, the cost characteristics of hedges are analyzed from the perspective of communication costs in business activities. Finally, the benefit characteristics of hedges are analyzed according to rational economic man and Pareto optimum in economics. In a word, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the distribution of hedges in English business letters and to reveal their economic characteristics. This thesis not only enriches the theory of linguistic economics, but also provides a new theoretical perspective for the study of hedges. In addition, this paper also helps business people to understand the economic effects of hedges in English business letters and promote business communication. The proper use of hedges in English business letters not only protects the interests of traders, but also contributes to a win-win situation. Finally, I hope this paper can enlighten readers and provide some reference for future research.


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