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发布时间:2018-06-21 10:04

  本文选题:英语教育 + 欧洲语言共同框架 ; 参考:《北京社会科学》2017年03期

[Abstract]:To some extent, the English education policies of China, Japan and Germany are influenced by the Common Framework of European languages, but Germany and Japan are better than China in using English to "do things". Based on the educational concept of "Common Framework of European languages" and the reform measures and experiences of English education in Germany and Japan, the English education in Chinese universities and primary schools is not connected, and examination-oriented education deviates from the educational purpose. The relationship between mother tongue and foreign language is not handled properly. It is analyzed from educational concept, language ability training, English education in primary and secondary schools, pre-service training and post-service training of teachers, relationship between mother tongue and foreign language, and the relationship between mother tongue and foreign language. This paper explores the reform path of English education in six aspects of the examination system, in order to draw on the essence and useful experience of the Common Framework of European languages, to get out of the dilemma of "not doing things" in English education in China, and to make English a tool of communication for the benefit of the country and the people.
【作者单位】: 上海对外经贸大学外语学院;


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