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发布时间:2018-06-21 15:06

  本文选题:交际能力 + 交际策略 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:学习语言的目的就是使用语言进行交流,策略能力是组成交际能力的重要因素之一。而交际策略又是策略能力的重要组成部分。交际策略是由Selinker(1972)在研究中介语的过程中提出的。此后吸引了一大批学者对其进行研究。交际策略在EFL口语交际中的应用一直是此类研究关注的焦点,但是它们在书面语交际中的运用和研究却相对不足。而且,不论是口语交际还是书面语交际,研究对象多集中在大学生,对高中生在英语写作中交际策略的使用研究极少。本文的研究目的在于调查交际策略在高中生英语写作中的使用情况以及不同语言水平的学习者之间交际策略使用的差异。并分析不同交际策略的交际效果。为培养高中学生的策略意识以及提高学习者使用策略的能力提供支撑,进而提高学习者的交际能力。本文主要研究了四个问题:(1)高中生在英语写作中倾向于使用哪些交际策略?(2)高中生在面临写作中断时,实际使用了哪些交际策略?(3)高分组和低分组在使用交际策略上有哪些不同?(4)不同的交际策略能达到的交际效果如何?本文首先使用问卷调查了内蒙古师范大学附属中学234名中学生使用书面交际策略的概况,其次利用有声思维研究了六名高中生在以考试为背景的英语写作中实际使用交际策略的情况。利用SPSS 20.0和Excel对收集的数据进行了统计分析。本研究提供了四类交际策略:回避策略,补偿策略,提取策略和重复策略。研究结果表明,在四类交际策略中,学生在日常写作中倾向于使用11种微交际策略,即:借用同义词,查词典,借用上义词,提取策略,迂回解释,举例子,求助,使用反义词,比喻,话题回避和信息放弃。而在以考试为背景的写作中,实际使用了8种微交际策略,即:信息放弃,借用同义词,重复,直译,迂回解释,上义词,比喻和提取策略。高分组和低分组在交际策略的使用上没有显著差异。交际策略在帮助学习者达到交际策略的同时还存在一些局限性,这就要求学习者能够通过适当的训练,在交际策略的使用中扬长避短。根据研究结果,作者从四方面提出一些教学启示。1.要提升学生们使用策略的意识,使学生相信他们有能力使用交际策略,以及交际策略使用在写作中是有帮助的;2.为学生提供更多的机会训练交际策略的运用。在写作前,写作中和写作后都能够运用和交流交际策略;3.鼓励学生冒险。在写作中进行积极的挑战,扩展学习者的中介语资源;4.将交际策略的教学与词汇教学相结合。
[Abstract]:The purpose of learning a language is to communicate with it. Strategic competence is one of the most important factors in the formation of communicative competence. Communication strategy is an important part of strategic competence. Communication strategy was put forward by Selinkern in the course of studying interlanguage. Since then, it has attracted a large number of scholars to study it. The application of communicative strategies in EFL oral communication has always been the focus of attention, but their application and research in written communication are relatively inadequate. Moreover, whether oral communication or written communication, the study focuses on college students, and there are few studies on the use of communication strategies in English writing by senior high school students. The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of communicative strategies in senior high school students' English writing and the differences in the use of communication strategies among learners with different language levels. And analyze the communicative effect of different communication strategies. It provides the support for cultivating the high school students' strategic consciousness and improving the learners' ability to use the strategies, and then improves the learners' communicative competence. This paper focuses on four questions: 1) which communication strategies do senior high school students tend to use in English writing? What communication strategies are actually used? (3) what are the differences in using communication strategies between the high score group and the low group? what are the communicative effects of different communication strategies? In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the use of written communication strategies in 234 middle school students affiliated to Inner Mongolia normal University. Secondly, the use of communicative strategies in English writing in the context of examinations was studied by using audible thinking in six senior high school students. SPSS 20.0 and Excel were used to analyze the collected data. This study provides four types of communication strategies: avoidance strategy, compensation strategy, extraction strategy and repetition strategy. The results show that among the four communication strategies, students tend to use 11 microcommunication strategies in their daily writing, that is, borrowing synonyms, looking up dictionaries, borrowing upper semantic words, extracting strategies, interpreting roundabout, giving examples and asking for help. Use antonyms, metaphors, topic avoidance and information abandonment. In the writing based on the examination, eight kinds of micro-communication strategies are actually used, that is, information giving up, borrowing synonyms, repetition, literal translation, roundabout interpretation, upper semantic words, metaphor and extraction strategies. There was no significant difference in the use of communication strategies between the high score group and the low group. Communicative strategies have some limitations while helping learners to achieve communicative strategies, which requires learners to be able to use communicative strategies through appropriate training to maximize their strengths and circumvent their weaknesses. According to the research results, the author puts forward some teaching enlightenment from four aspects. It is necessary to raise students' awareness of using strategies so as to convince them of their ability to use communicative strategies and the usefulness of communicative strategies in writing. To provide more opportunities for students to train the use of communication strategies. Before and after writing, can use and communicate communication strategies. Students are encouraged to take risks. Take a positive challenge in writing and expand learners' interlanguage resources. Combine communicative strategy teaching with vocabulary teaching.


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