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发布时间:2018-06-21 20:34

  本文选题:高中英语课堂 + 新手教师 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Classroom is the main place for senior high school students to learn English in our country. The students' learning effect is directly affected by the classroom teaching effect, and one of the direct factors affecting the English classroom teaching effect is the classroom teaching behavior of the English teachers. A new round of basic education curriculum reform has put forward higher requirements for English teachers' classroom teaching behavior. However, the novice teachers have just entered their jobs, lack of teaching concept, lack of teaching experience, and there are many problems in classroom teaching behavior. By investigating and analyzing the classroom teaching behaviors of novice English teachers in senior high school, the present situation and existing problems of classroom teaching behaviors of English novice teachers in senior high school are investigated and analyzed. The purpose of this study is to help novice teachers distinguish between effective and ineffective teaching behaviors. In order to improve the teaching behavior which is not conducive to the growth and development of students, to improve the teaching effect, and to promote the professional development of novice teachers. In this study, 5 novice teachers with less than 3 years of teaching age and 253 students in five classes in Jigang Senior Middle School were selected as the research objects. Based on constructivism theory and complex adaptive system theory, classroom observation, questionnaire and interview were used. This paper investigates the classroom teaching behavior of novice English teachers in senior high school from the perspectives of teachers and students. In the course of the study, 247 valid student questionnaires and 8 interview records were collected. The purpose of the survey is to answer the following three questions: 1) what are the teaching behaviors of novice English teachers in senior high school to help achieve their teaching goals? 2) what are the problems in the teaching behavior of novice English teachers in senior high school? What are the factors of teachers' teaching behavior? It is found that the concrete performance of novice English teachers in the aspects of introduction behavior, presentation behavior (including narration, blackboard writing and multimedia use) and dialogue behavior (including questions, answers and discussions) has an effective side, which can promote students' learning. The concrete manifestation is: the introduction way is diverse, the introduction is flexible and effective; the narration is clear, the emphases are clear, the succinct is clear, the difficulty is moderate; the blackboard is timely and effective, the standard is clear, the level is clear; the multimedia operation is skilled, the level is high; The difficulty of the question is moderate, the expression is specific and clear, it can give feedback and summary to the student's answer in time and effectively, and the design of the topic of discussion accords with the students' level and is closely combined with the content of the textbook. At the same time, there are many problems in the teaching behavior of English novice teachers in senior high school. The main problems are: the introduction behavior is not paid enough attention to, the introduction time is too long; the classroom is mainly about narration; the blackboard writing is not beautiful and rigid; the classroom questioning mode is single. A low-level problem; a discussion of formality, etc. The factors influencing novice teachers' classroom teaching behavior include students' situation, teachers' teaching concept and professional knowledge, work burden, teaching experience and teaching ability. Finally, in view of the basic situation of classroom teaching behavior of English novice teachers in senior high school, the author puts forward three overall strategies to improve the classroom teaching behavior of novice teachers, including: 1) strengthening teachers' professional training. Strengthening teachers' practical ability and strengthening the understanding of learning situation and improving teachers' consciousness of autonomous learning in their own professional development. (3) actively listening to classes and practicing, and making continuous progress in the process of reflection. At the same time, the author puts forward five specific implementation strategies for the problems in the behavior of introduction, presentation and dialogue.


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