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发布时间:2018-06-21 21:28

  本文选题:茶文化 + 语言与文化 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年12期

[Abstract]:The tea culture of China is one of the gems of Chinese history and culture. It originated in China and gradually spread to many countries in the world with the transnational trade. Therefore, in college English classroom teaching, teachers can make full use of the unique features of tea culture, from the perspective of the relationship between culture and language, to deeply study the differences between Chinese and foreign tea culture, and combine the actual situation of students. Through reasonable infiltration of tea culture, this paper explores and analyzes English teaching under the background of tea culture, promotes students' study of language and culture, strengthens students' understanding and understanding of tea culture, and finally achieves the goal of improving students' English level.
【作者单位】: 江西建设职业技术学院;


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1 卢祺义;上海茶文化的兴盛及其主要原因[J];农业考古;2000年04期

2 刘静静;;跨文化交际视角下的中德酒文化对比[J];考试周刊;2012年23期

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1 记者韩双;抚顺师专“茶文化”冷门专业未开先热[N];抚顺日报;2011年




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