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发布时间:2018-06-21 22:45

  本文选题:语音意识 + 直拼法 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:语音意识是国外教育心理学、语言心理学重要的研究领域。研究证明语音意识与儿童阅读、书写等能力有着极其重要的关系。但,在一线的小学英语教学中,“语音意识”教学的重视不够,语音教学更多狭义定义为语音、语调的朗读训练,缺乏对“语音意识”的正确理解。本文通过资料分析对比法,对“语音意识”进行了详细的概念界定。当下流行的“拼读法”,与早期学习语音的“音标法”都是提升语音意识的重要训练策略。本文主要研究运用“音标法” “直拼法”到小学英语语音意识的教学中的操作和效果。笔者在常州市某主城区小学进行了为期五个月的教学实验,选择了三年级三个班共127名学生参加了这次实验。三个班级中,一个班级为对照组,两个班级分别为实验组。对照班采用常规的方法进行教学,两个实验班运用“音标法”“直拼法”指导英语语音训练。在实验前,运用问卷调查、前测试卷对学生的语言意识能力进行前测。实验后,又用后测试卷进行实验效果检查。通过数据的收集和对实验结果的分析表明,直拼法与音标法都对儿童的语音意识提高有很大作用,实验班学生的英语语音成绩明显优于对照班学生的成绩。而其中,直拼法对于小学生的教学效果又优于音标法的教学效果。通过研究与实验可知,在小学阶段,语音意识的培养与训练相当重要,是奠定儿童英语学习的重要基础。利用直拼法、音标法两种语言训练方式来提高学生的英语语音意识是行之有效的。经过直拼法、音标法的语音训练,儿童对于语音意识有了更全面的认识,更有效的练习手段。因为直拼法、音标法的不同特征,实验证明直拼法更适合小学生英语课堂,教学效果更佳。直拼法直观、简单,更适合基础阶段的英语学习者。音标法,音素更多,规则更全,但对于部分小学生来说学习起来有难度。在实际教学中,将直拼法与童谣、绘本故事等元素融合进课堂,更加便于儿童练习与记忆。通过这样的语音意识训练,促进儿童能运用语音意识更好地记忆单词、认读单词,认读新词。从而,为今后的英语学习打下扎实的基础。
[Abstract]:Phonological awareness is an important research field in foreign educational psychology and language psychology. The study has proved that phonological awareness has an extremely important relationship with children's reading and writing abilities. However, in primary school English teaching, the teaching of "phonological awareness" is not paid enough attention to, and phonetic teaching is more narrowly defined as the training of pronunciation and intonation as well as the lack of correct understanding of "phonological awareness". This paper defines the concept of phonological consciousness by means of data analysis and contrast. The current popular spelling method and phonetic alphabet method are important training strategies to improve phonological awareness. This paper mainly studies the operation and effect of phonetics and phonetics in primary school. A five-month teaching experiment was conducted in a primary school in Changzhou City. 127 students from three classes of grade three were selected to participate in the experiment. Three classes, one class for the control group, two classes for the experimental group. The two experimental classes use phonetic alphabet method to direct English phonetic training. Before the experiment, the students' language awareness was tested by questionnaire and test paper. After the experiment, the test paper was used to check the effect of the experiment. Through the collection of data and the analysis of the experimental results, it is shown that both the straight spelling method and phonetic alphabet method play an important role in improving children's phonological awareness, and the students' English phonetic scores in the experimental class are obviously better than those in the control class. Among them, the teaching effect of straight spelling method is better than that of phonetic alphabet method. Through research and experiments, we can see that the training and training of phonological awareness is very important in primary school, and it is an important foundation for children to learn English. It is effective to improve students' phonological awareness by means of direct spelling and phonetic alphabet. Through the phonetic training of straight spelling and phonetic alphabet, children have a more comprehensive understanding of phonological awareness and more effective means of practice. Because of the different characteristics of straight spelling and phonetic sign, the experiment proves that the straight spelling is more suitable for primary school students' English classroom, and the teaching effect is better. Direct spelling is intuitive, simple and more suitable for English learners at the basic stage. Phonetic alphabet, more phonemes, more complete rules, but for some pupils to learn difficult. In practical teaching, it is more convenient for children to practice and remember by merging the elements of straight spelling and nursery rhymes, picture books and stories into the classroom. Through this phonological awareness training, children can use phonological awareness to better memorize words and recognize new words. Thus, lay a solid foundation for future English learning.


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