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发布时间:2018-06-22 09:14

  本文选题:茶艺专业 + 英语跨文化教学 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年08期

[Abstract]:Language learning is the basis of cross-cultural communication. English, as a compulsory course in different teaching stages, runs through China's education, and tea is the third largest beverage in the world. The prosperity of international tea trade has greatly promoted the overseas market expansion of Chinese tea enterprises. The goal of English teaching for tea majors in colleges and universities is to train professionals with comprehensive qualities for the global development of the tea industry. However, traditional language education pays too much attention to the accumulation of basic vocabulary and grammar. As a result, the students only have the ability to take the examination after learning tea major English, and the lack of cross-cultural consciousness makes the students lack the ability to use English. In view of this, the introduction of cross-cultural consciousness into English teaching based on cultural differences will help to improve the effect of English teaching for tea majors in schools, spread tea culture in different cultural backgrounds, and promote the development of "soft power" in Chinese culture. Taking the cross-cultural consciousness of tea teaching as an example, this paper first introduces the differences between East and West tea culture and the importance of English cross-cultural teaching in tea art English cross-cultural teaching. Secondly, it analyzes the existing problems and the construction of a new teaching mode in English cross-cultural teaching for tea majors in order to provide some references for the development of English teaching for tea arts.
【作者单位】: 南阳理工学院;


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