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发布时间:2018-06-22 10:12

  本文选题:默认语义学 + 表征 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇英译中翻译实践报告。翻译材料是剑桥大学卡西亚·亚希乔特(Kasia Jaszczolt)教授的学术专著《默认语义学:交际行为组构理论的基础》(Default Semantics)中的第1章第3-7节:质疑逻辑形式;质疑所言;质疑意义的中间层次;丰富动态语义学中的表征式;表征式和有意识推论。这些章节通过对逻辑形式、指称、表征式等的讨论来阐述默认语义学理论。默认语义学是卡西亚·亚希乔特教授对语义研究的一种新的解释理论。卡西亚·亚希乔特认为,语义的确立来源于默认推理,而交际意图的类型又会影响到交际者的默认推理。默认推理主要是指在众多选项中,人们可以很容易推断出无异议的优先答案。卡西亚·亚希乔特多次提到了 "意图",说话者在说出某些句子的时候具有一定的意图性,因为话语的基础是一种有意图性的心智状态。说话者通过话语向听话者传达着某些信息,而听话者如何理解他说听到的信息则是另外一个心理过程。围绕这样一种"意图",作者通过探讨逻辑形式、心理表征式和有意识推论解释了听话者是如何迅速理解说话者的话语内容,以及在理解过程中听话者所呈现的心理表征式特征。如今,语义学方面的相关研究已经吸引了许多学者的关注,而默认语义学则为语义学研究提供了一个全新的视角。因此,翻译这本书具有重要的意义。在本次的翻译实践中,笔者学习到了许多翻译方法,也获得了许多宝贵的翻译经验和教训。就本著作的翻译来说,笔者主要得到了以下一些启示:要想准确地翻译出原作的内容,译者需要有针对性地查阅原作涉及到的背景知识,以便更好地理解原作。在翻译过程中,遇到困难时,切勿急躁,应积极寻求帮助或查阅相关资料来完成翻译。而在译稿完成后,译者应对译稿进行多次修改和校对,确保翻译内容准确。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on translation from English to Chinese. The translation material is from Kasia Jaszczolt, Professor of Cambridge University, in default semantics: the basis of communicative behavior fabric Theory, Chapter 1, Section 3-7: the form of doubt Logic; the Middle level of questioning meaning; Rich in the dynamic semantics of the representation, representation and conscious inference. These chapters explain the default semantics theory through the discussion of logical form, reference, representation, etc. Default semantics is a new theory of interpretation of semantic research by Professor Cassia Ajjoute. According to Cassia Ahichott, the establishment of semantics comes from default reasoning, and the type of communicative intention affects the default reasoning of communicators. Default reasoning means that among many options, it is easy to infer a no-objection priority answer. "intention" is often mentioned by Cassia Ahhichott. The speaker has a certain intention when he utters some sentences, because the basis of the utterance is a state of mind with intention. The speaker conveys some information to the hearer by utterance, and how the hearer understands what he says and hears is another psychological process. Around this kind of "intention", the author discusses the logical form, psychological representation and conscious inference to explain how the hearer quickly understands the speaker's utterance and the psychological representation of the hearer in the process of understanding. Nowadays, the research on semantics has attracted the attention of many scholars, while the default semantics provides a new perspective for the study of semantics. Therefore, the translation of this book is of great significance. In this translation practice, the author has learned a lot of translation methods and gained many valuable translation experiences and lessons. As far as the translation of this work is concerned, the author has the following revelations: in order to translate the original content accurately, the translator should refer to the background knowledge of the original in order to better understand the original. In the process of translation, do not be impatient when you encounter difficulties, and actively seek help or consult relevant materials to complete the translation. After the completion of the translation, the translator should revise and proofread the translation several times to ensure the accuracy of the translation.


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