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发布时间:2018-06-22 15:33

  本文选题:识别过程 + 听觉词汇 ; 参考:《江苏师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Listening comprehension is one of the important activities in second language learning. This study began with the observation of two common phenomena in the learning process of Chinese EFL learners. One is that many learners have a learning experience of "not understanding, but then suddenly realizing". Another is that many English learners need to recognize auditory words by writing them down. These two phenomena reflect the features of Chinese EFL learners' relatively weak auditory vocabulary ability and the role of orthography in the process of auditory vocabulary recognition. Therefore, the present study attempts to explore the auditory lexical recognition process of Chinese EFL learners and the role played by orthography in this process, and to explore the effects of word frequency and English proficiency on auditory lexical recognition. This experiment adopts the method of sound thinking and real-time interview to help the exploration. It is found that according to the three chronological sequences of activation in the process of recognition, auditory lexical recognition can be divided into four categories: in the first category, speech is activated first, orthography is activated before semantic recognition, and in the second category, speech is activated first, and orthography is activated before semantic recognition. After speech is activated, orthography and semantics are activated at the same time, and almost synchronized with speech activation. In the third category, speech is activated first, semantics is activated directly, and the corresponding orthographic method is activated partly or as a whole. The fourth is very similar to the third, except that there is no delayed activation of orthography. It is also found that orthography can be accomplished through two channels, direct channel and indirect channel, from the perspective of orthography in the process of auditory lexical recognition. The direct channel does not need the aid of orthography, but the indirect channel needs to be activated by orthography as an intermediary to realize the recognition from speech activation to semantic. The frequency of words and the English proficiency of the subjects have an important influence on the process of auditory vocabulary recognition. When the word frequency decreases, the difficulty of recognizing the three representations increases, and the trend of using tangible auxiliary indirect channels to identify the target vocabulary increases. Compared with non-English majors, English majors are more successful in identifying the three representations of 40 words in the experiment, and can frequently use direct and indirect channels, in which direct channels are used more frequently. Non-English majors rely more on the use of orthographic-assisted indirect channels to recognize auditory vocabulary. The current study has important implications for explaining the awkward situation that Chinese EFL learners face in auditory vocabulary recognition, and an analysis of the process of auditory lexical recognition. The study on the role of orthography in this process reflects learners' learning patterns and habits of memorizing new words. Finally, it is hoped that this study will have some beneficial implications for the teaching practice of English listening.


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