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发布时间:2018-06-23 00:18

  本文选题:传记类文本 + 文本类型理论 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:全球化的飞速发展使中外文化交流日益密切;改革开放的不断深入使中国读者迫切希望了解外面的世界。近些年来,随着外国名作名译在中国的畅销,人们希望了解相关外国名人的生平经历和思想观念,以求更好地理解其相关作品,提升个人文学素养。因此,译者应当在传记类文本的翻译过程中积极发挥作用,肩负起促进中外文化交流的使命。本翻译实践报告以赖斯的文本类型理论为指导,以A Great Unrecorded History:A New Life of E.M.Forster(《一段未被记录的历史:E.M.福斯特的人生》)第二章、第四章为案例,从该理论针对信息型文本和表情型文本的翻译方法入手展开分析。实践报告共分为五章:第一章为引言,主要介绍选题背景及翻译材料的特点。第二章是翻译项目简介,主要介绍了翻译材料的来源及内容。第三章是翻译过程描述,主要介绍笔者为完成该翻译实践所做的工作。第四章是理论基础及案例分析部分,笔者在简要梳理文本类型理论的基础上,结合理论进行案例分析,总结翻译方法。第五章是翻译实践总结部分,阐述了笔者的心得以及本次翻译实践的局限性。根据赖斯的理论,传记是一种介于信息型和表情型之间的文本类型。在翻译过程中,信息型文本应当注重原文的内容,表情型文本应当注重原文的美学形式。通过理论结合实践的方式,可以提高译文的质量。希望本篇翻译实践报告能为传记类文本翻译的交流和学习提供一定的参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of globalization has made the cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries closer, and the deepening of the reform and opening up makes Chinese readers eager to understand the outside world. In recent years, with the best selling of famous foreign famous translation in China, people want to know the life experiences and thinking ideas of the related foreign celebrities, in order to better understand their related works, Therefore, the translator should play an active role in the translation of biographical texts and shoulder the mission of promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. The translation practice report is guided by the text type theory of Rice, with A Great Unrecorded History:A New Life of E.M.Forster (< a section of unrecorded history: E.M. Forster The second chapter, the fourth chapter is a case study. From the theory to the translation of the information type text and the expressive text, the practical report is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the background of the topic and the characteristics of the translation materials. The second chapter is the introduction of the translation project, mainly introducing the source and content of the translation materials. The third chapter is the description of the translation process, which mainly introduces the work done by the author in order to complete the translation practice. The fourth chapter is the theoretical basis and case analysis. On the basis of a brief combing of the text type theory, the author combines the theory with the case analysis and summarizes the translation method. The fifth chapter is the summary of the translation practice, and expounds the writer's experience. According to Rice's theory, biography is a type of text between the information type and the expressive type. In the process of translation, the information type text should pay attention to the content of the original text. The expressive text should pay attention to the aesthetic form of the original text. It is hoped that this translation practice report can provide some references and references for the translation and communication of biographical texts.


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