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发布时间:2018-06-23 01:14

  本文选题:虚拟位移 + 英汉对比 ; 参考:《天津工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Movement is an important part of the objective world. In recent years, sports events and motion expression have attracted the attention of many scholars. As an important branch of motion expression, virtual displacement expression refers to the imaginary movement that exists in people's minds, that is to say, it describes the static space scene by the verb which represents the movement of position. Taking virtual displacement expression as the object of study, this paper attempts to find out the similarities and differences between English and Chinese languages in the characteristics of virtual displacement representation by searching the corpus of the Chinese linguistic Research Center and collecting a large number of data. And the relevant theories of cognitive linguistics are used to clarify its cognitive motivation. This paper takes the motion event as the theoretical basis, selects the four components of the motion event, namely convex image, backing, path and mode as the constant, analyzes the English and Chinese languages in the convex image selection. Similarities and differences in path and backing, as well as ways of representation. In this paper, we find that virtual displacement expressions are common in English and Chinese corpus, and they have both similarities and characteristics. The similarities are as follows: first, the path and mode information of virtual displacement in English and Chinese are limited, that is, the path information must appear in the expression of virtual displacement, and the information of mode should not appear in the expression of virtual displacement. Secondly, English and Chinese languages can be divided into three parts in convex image selection, and show similarity in distribution patterns. The differences are as follows: first of all the English subjective displacement sentences are more detailed in the description of the path and the specific expression is that the single verb carries more prepositions containing the backing information to express the complex path. Secondly, compared with the Chinese subjective displacement sentence, the mode information is more prominent and used frequently in English subjective displacement sentence, and its application scope is wider. For these similarities and differences, this paper uses the relevant theories of cognitive linguistics to explain their cognitive motivations, so as to better understand the expression of virtual displacement. The generation of virtual displacement comes from people's subjective understanding of the world, so virtual displacement generally exists in English and Chinese discourses, which can be explained from the perspective of conceptual integration theory and Gestalt theory. In addition, the differences in quantity and distribution between English and Chinese virtual displacement expressions are explained from the perspective of grammaticalization. The study of subjective displacement from the perspective of contrastive English and Chinese will help to deepen the understanding of the relationship between thinking and linguistic phenomena, and also help language learners to better understand the differences in the expression of virtual displacement between different languages.


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