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发布时间:2018-06-23 03:34

  本文选题:考古学 + 翻译理论 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇关于考古学文献的翻译实践报告,笔者翻译的是《文化资源考古学》(Cultural Resources Archaeology)第五章的内容,基于此来撰写翻译实践报告。笔者所选取的翻译任务主要讲述了考古第二阶段的测试和评估过程,对第一阶段确定的一些考古遗址进行评估,以确定它是否有资格纳入国家遗产名录。翻译考古学著作,不仅有利于考古学科的发展,还可以帮助现代读者了解古代人们的生活和生存环境,以及当时的社会历史和文化风貌,同时也为笔者提供翻译专业学术著作的实践机会。本实践报告主要是在目的论的指导下,并运用一些恰当的翻译策略来翻译,以此来提高自身翻译水平,力图为读者呈现最佳的译文。本实践报告由四个章节组成,第一章是翻译任务描述,包括任务背景、文本特点和作者简介。第二章是翻译过程描述,包括译前准备和术语表的制定,翻译理论的选择,翻译策略的选择以及翻译计划执行情况。第三章是案例分析,包括翻译实践中出现的问题类型及解决过程,针对同类问题的翻译对策。第四章是翻译实践总结,包括翻译实践中未解决的问题及对今后的启发。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on the translation of archaeological documents. The author has translated the fifth chapter of Cultural Resources Archaeology, based on which the translation practice report is written. The translation task selected by the author mainly describes the testing and evaluation process of the second stage of archaeology and evaluates some archaeological sites identified in the first stage to determine whether it is eligible to be included in the national heritage list. Translation of archaeological works is not only conducive to the development of archaeology, but also helps modern readers understand the living and living environment of ancient people, as well as the social, historical and cultural features of the time. At the same time, it also provides the author with practical opportunities for translation of academic works. Under the guidance of Skopos theory and some appropriate translation strategies, this practical report aims to improve the translation level and to present the best translation for the readers. This practice report consists of four chapters. The first chapter is the translation task description, including the background of the task, the text characteristics and the author's brief introduction. The second chapter describes the translation process, including pre-translation preparation and glossary formulation, the choice of translation theory, the choice of translation strategies and the implementation of translation plans. Chapter three is a case study, including the types of problems in translation practice and the process of solving them. Chapter four is a summary of translation practice, including the unsolved problems in translation practice and its implications for the future.


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