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发布时间:2018-06-23 10:26

  本文选题:联络口译 + 旅游业 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the globalization of the world economy, especially after joining the WTO, China, as an economic power, has attracted more and more tourists from various countries with its unique culture and extensive and profound historical culture. Tourism English has also received unprecedented attention from all countries. I have the honour to accompany the company and Korean tourists at Hunan Red International Travel Co., Ltd. After the practice of interpreting, the author transliterates the audio of the interpreting practice, analyzes the source language and the translation by using the theory learned, and puts forward some solutions to the problems in the process of interpreting. The corresponding translation techniques and strategies are summarized, and the interpretation practice report is finally formed. The report records the author's practical experience of acting as an escort translator for Hunan Red Tourism Co., Ltd. and Korean tourists. The author describes the task preparation, task progress and task evaluation. For example, the importance of pre-task preparation, comprehensive understanding of speakers, interpretation problems and so on. This paper analyzes some technical problems encountered in interpreting tasks, such as long difficult sentences and ambiguous sentences, and emphasizes the importance of strategic problems such as pretranslation prediction and psychological preparation. The problems in interpreting process are discussed by using examples in interpreting practice, and the interpreting strategies are summed up. Through this practice, combined with interpretation theory and methods, the author analyzes and studies his actual interpretation situation, finds out the problems and puts forward corresponding solutions, which will help to improve the level of interpretation.


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