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发布时间:2018-06-23 13:16

  本文选题:思辨能力 + 思辨技能 ; 参考:《现代外语》2016年05期

[Abstract]:Many foreign language experts point out that English majors lack the ability to think and emphasize the training and research of the students' speculative skills, but the research and training of the students' speculative habits is not enough. In this study, 73 students of English major in a certain university were surveyed with speculative questionnaire and the quality of English writing was evaluated. It was found that the key deficiency of English majors'"speculative absence" lies in the cultivation of speculative habits. In particular, the habit of questioning, the ability to analyze problems and speculative self-confidence is relatively deficient. As reflected in English writing, the main problems are speculative accuracy, width and rhetorical self-consistency. In particular, the students lack the ability of abstract generalization and analysis and judgment, the argument lacks the argument, the discussion is superficial, the problem cannot be considered from the opposite or multiple angles, and the reader's consciousness is not strong.
【作者单位】: 上海海事大学;


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