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发布时间:2018-06-23 21:44

  本文选题:二语写作 + 语料库研究 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:根据欧洲语言共同框架(CEFR),代词it的习得一直作为用来区分英语学习者外语掌握熟练度的一个标准[criterial feature)。本研究基于动态系统理论,对中国从中学阶段至大学二年级(八个年级)英语学习者外语写作中代词it的使用频率和用法分布特征进行分析讨论。主要基于it的三种用法:指代词(referential it),支柱词(prop it)和预指词(anticipatory it)。本研究的语料来自国内某省8所初中和5所高中以及1所大学的878篇限时英语作文,通过计算机输入文本并加工处理以及合并,再对其进行语法、句法、语义和语外层面的标注,使用对应分析和聚类研究对其进行描述性分析,并通过Logistic回归分析加以验证。本研究的主要发现有:1)随着英语学习阶段的发展,中国英语学习者作文中的it标准化频率呈波动向下发展趋势;2)就使用范围而言,随着年级的提高,学习者对于代词it的使用更趋多样化。学习者在初级阶段,更趋向于使用基础的指代词it,高年级的学习者在代词it的使用上更加丰富,特别是在预指词it的使用频率上。总体发展趋势和个人发展轨迹揭示出语言学习系统在不同学习阶段的复杂发展轨迹。3)就影响代词it使用的因素特征,对应分析和聚类分析的图示表明:学习阶段、文章体裁、所指类别、主题与代词it的使用密切相关。相较于记叙文,预指词it更多出现在议论文中。指代词it常用于指代具体或者抽象的物体以及具体的状态,如上文已提及的事物,而预指词it常出现在描述抽象事物状态的句子中。就主题而言,预指词it更多与社会层面的议题有关,而指代词it常出现在描述音乐、阅读、电影和其他类似事件,或者与个人活动经历相关的作文中。如上结果经过Logistic回归建模的分析,佐证了代词it作为区分学习者语言熟练程度的标准的意义,同时也提出了语言习得的普遍规律中包含了个体的动态变化与复杂性,受到多种因素的交互影响,因此要综合考虑多种因素。本研究更进一步探讨了对二语写作教学的启示,提出在教学中应当注意学习者在不同的文章类型、学习阶段,话题等等条件下,对于代词it的使用情况。
[Abstract]:According to the European Common Framework for languages (CEFRs), the acquisition of pronoun it has been used as a standard for differentiating English learners' proficiency in a foreign language [criterial feature).] Based on the dynamic system theory, this study analyzes the frequency and usage distribution of pronoun it used by Chinese EFL learners from the middle school stage to the second year (eighth grade). Three main uses based on it: the pronoun (referential it), pillar word (prop it) and the predicate word (anticipatory it). The present study comes from 878 time-limited English compositions written in 8 junior high schools and 5 high schools and 1 university in a certain province of China. The text is input, processed and merged by computer, and then the grammar, syntax and syntax are analyzed. The annotation of semantic and extralingual level is analyzed by correspondence analysis and cluster analysis and verified by logistic regression analysis. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1) with the development of English learning stage, the frequency of it standardization in Chinese EFL learners' compositions fluctuates downward. Learners' use of pronoun it is more diversified. In the primary stage, learners tend to use the basic pronoun it, and the senior learners are more rich in the use of pronoun it, especially in the frequency of use of it. The general development trend and personal development track reveal the complex development trajectory of language learning system at different stages of learning. (3) the characteristics of factors that affect the use of pronoun it. The graph of correspondence analysis and clustering analysis shows that: learning stage, article genre, and so on. The subject is closely related to the use of pronoun it. Compared with narratives, it is more common in argumentation. The pronoun it is often used to refer to concrete or abstract objects and specific states, such as those mentioned above, while it is often used in sentences describing the state of abstract things. In terms of theme, it is more related to social issues, while pronoun it often appears in compositions that describe music, reading, movies and other similar events, or related to personal activity experiences. The above result is analyzed by Logistic regression model, which proves the significance of pronoun it as the standard to distinguish learners' language proficiency. At the same time, it also points out that the general rules of language acquisition include the dynamic changes and complexity of individual. By the interaction of many factors, so we should consider a variety of factors. The present study further explores the implications for the teaching of second language writing, and proposes that learners should pay attention to the use of pronoun it in the context of different article types, learning stages, topics, and so on.


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